The recent decline in gasoline consumption is my first example that there is hope.
Common concerns about keeping a city up all night relate to noise, traffic and alcohol consumption.
If consumption remains at the 2010 level, they will have accounted for 35% of electricity needs.
Also helped by consumption is the Mexican brewer Grupo Modelo, whose domestic market share is growing.
Even today, it is possible to produce a baking flour for human consumption from cottonseed meal.
It s a place where there s a high volume of consumption of digital goods and services.
The Water Standard will require firms to measure water use and demonstrate efforts taken to reduce consumption.
The global demand for meat is growing, with China more than doubling its consumption per person since 1985.
BBC: MPs urge UK to eat less meat to help global food supplies
At least in part it seems to function not as an investment good but as a consumption good.
Yet some say Schmeltzer's music, and that of others like him, is indecent and unfit for public consumption.
It was certainly not intended for public consumption, particularly in the targeted society: the United States.
The burden should be distributed broadly, mainly through an increase in the consumption tax.
The reality is that complex wearable computers still seem very far off from mass market consumption.
These include metric to standard conversions, fuel consumption, air speed and distance calculations, and more.
Lower consumption nowadays has an effect of making people feel good about environment consciousness.
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As noted earlier, the commodity soybeans he purchased were intended not for planting, but for consumption.
If you are adventurous about your wine consumption then you should consider joining a wine club.
Global consumption is picking up relative to the U.S., bringing an improvement in the outlook.
Because this is true, the only way to expand consumption is to boost production.
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Smart meters will better inform consumers of their energy consumption and increase off-peak tariff usage.
Its current-account surplus has narrowed largely because of an increase in domestic investment, not consumption.
As each month passes, there is more evidence that consumption is stagnating in China.
Police said he died of excessive alcohol-consumption, and his body was cremated without autopsy.
Was the risk real or the product of something other than diet drink consumption?
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Growing consumption for jewelry in India and China offset softer demand in Western nations.
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In the world of information consumption, there is now one company that gets it.
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Consumption even of kerosene, the cause of the 1998 riots, mostly increases with income.
It is particularly important to make responsible consumption choices, starting with curbing unnecessary consumption.
Even private consumption fell in quarterly terms, something last seen in the 2008-09 crisis.
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That way, the degree of risk from consumption would be minimized, the paper said.