Information including without limitation product prices, specifications, availability, content of services, and contact information is subject to change without notice.
ENGADGET: Toshiba outs new 4G WiMAX-ready laptops
In the not-too-distant future, you will be able, for example, to change your contact information with many vendors at once, rather than many times, over and over, at many different websites.
WSJ: The Customer as a God: The Future of Shopping
In this world, there are no scripts because anything that could be scripted has already been automated and made available to the end-user, who now finds it inconceivable that they should have to contact companies to change basic information, like notification settings or credit card information.
FORBES: The Future Of Customer Service: Lessons From Your Barber
Keep your contact information up to date, informing stores whenever you change your number.
FORBES: The Telemarketing Calls You'll Want To Get