She sat under a framed photograph of her holding her baby and pulled out a Baggie containing sugar-snap peas, which she began munching as we talked.
Over the past 10 years, the consumption of soft drinks containing added sugar has fallen by 9% while the incidence of obesity has increased by 15%.
When people drink too many beverages containing added sugar, such as soft drinks, fruit drinks, energy or sports beverages, they tend to put on weight.
In a study in 1992 by the CSIRO's Sensory Research Centre, scientists looked at the effect of capsaicin on the response to solutions containing either sugar or salt.
The consumer group found all but one of the 30 bars it analysed were high in sugar, with more than half containing over 30% sugar.
They found that rats fed a diet containing 25% sugar are thrown into a state of anxiety when the sugar is removed.
In September, Hungary will introduce a tax on pre-packaged foods containing high salt and sugar content, such as crisps and chocolates.
The Israeli team sprayed acacia trees in an oasis in the southern desert region of the country with a sugar solution containing the insecticide Spinosad.
"Soft drinks and sugar-containing beverages are the low hanging fruit in public health today, " says Dr. David Ludwig, director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center, at Children's Hospital in Boston.
Ten minutes after the scanning began, participants were given a water solution containing dextrose, a type of sugar.
Kirin, known largely for its beers, debuted its own sugar-free, dextrin-containing cola in Japan earlier this year.
FORBES: Pepsi's New Fat Blocking Soda Unleashed On Japanese Consumers
We used special silicone molds produced by our collaborators at THeraject to create the microneedles containing a dried version of a live modified adenovirus-based candidate HIV vaccine in the sugar formulation.
Foods are awarded points for their good qualities (containing fruit or vegetables, say) and penalised for bad ones (lots of salt, sugar or fat).
The HitClips product line centers on thumbnail-size microchips containing prerecorded music samples, mostly bubble-gummy singles by such teenybopper chart-toppers as Sugar Ray and Christina Aguilera.