Ms. MEYERS: Our long-range goal is to encourage law firms, to encourage administrators, to encourage politicians and educators to join the pipeline concept, develop a program, to encourage kids starting at the early age of kindergarten to continue their education, to continue to become professionals and to join us as professionals in the legal profession to assist the community.
"We're going to continue the education, we're going to continue the walk throughs, " he said.
The Education and Skills Act 2008 means that, from 2013, all young people will be required to continue in education or training post-16.
Intel often pays for workers to continue their education at nearby Portland State University.
These are places where young people can continue their education without taking on a lot of debt.
So I want all of you to set a goal to continue your education after you graduate.
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That is in part because many young people opted to continue their education in response to the recession.
Pupil Alasdair Meek, 16, said the EMA had enabled him to continue his education which otherwise may not have been possible.
The program also helps mothers find jobs or provides them scholarships to help them continue their education at a trade school or university.
Writing under the pen-name Gul Makai, she exposed the suffering caused by the militants and particularly focused on her attempts to continue her education.
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"We noticed the vast majority of ours students were people who already had degrees and wanted to continue their education, " said Coursera co-founder Daphne Koller.
Not only do the graduates continue their education every Sunday with workshops, but several of the girls have started Girls Who Code clubs at their schools.
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Today, four out five students at the school earn a diploma. 70 percent continue their education, many the first in their families to go to college.
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In the 1970s missionaries started running elementary schools in Tsimane' villages, and the best students have had the chance to continue their education in a nearby town.
It said there was evidence that much more was on offer to those who want to continue their education but who were left out in the past.
With the economy in flux and the job market stagnant, more and more people are considering ways to continue their education and set themselves apart in the marketplace.
The student body, the National Union of Students-Union of Students in Ireland (NUS-USI), said the proposals would mean thousands of 16 to 19-year-olds would not be able to continue in education.
No Tales attendee could have left New Orleans knowing everything about mixology, but all should have left with a desire to continue their education on their own and bring new experiences and ideas with them to share next year.
We mentor them, support them financially, encourage them to continue their education through high school continuing on through college and the university level into law school or any other professional school and supporting them with respect to this particular pipeline concept.
And in practice, a large majority of students who stay in education beyond the age of 16 continue into higher education.
Participants who pass this test are awarded high school graduation certificates by the Department of Education, which enable them to continue to higher education or seek formal employment at a similar level to formal school graduates.
Professor JAY BARTH (Hendrix College): That's what was kind of driving the desperation that I think everybody was feeling to get something done, to allow Medicaid checks to continue to go out, to allow education to continue to be funded, all of those kind of basic state services which were really coming under threat.
Countless kids could suddenly find themselves without the means to continue their higher education.
The proposition mandated that these students take English immersion classes, unless their parents specifically requested that they continue traditional bilingual education programs.
The problem is that even as the financial rewards to education continue to grow, the fraction of the population graduating from college has stagnated.
In the meantime, we will continue to support education aimed at prevention, law enforcement training, and the rehabilitation of those who have survived this horrible crime.
It has also created equal life-long learning opportunities for all citizens in the Kingdom who are now able to continue with their education by enrolling in various adult learning centres that have been established across the country or through home-based self-learning.
As millions of students in education institutions across the country continue to use Google Apps for Education, administrators need a system that is easily manageable but also provides the layers of security required to safe guard a school's ecosystem.
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The fact of the matter is that you can at once believe that socioeconomic factors and other input-level factors are hugely determinative of student outcomes, and that we should be cognizant of that fact when considering teacher quality, AND that education quality is a meaningful variable in arriving at student outcomes, and we should continue to subsidize public education as a society.
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