Liberals and moderates are watching the GOP tackle issues like contraception and religion with horrified bafflement.
Or if you've gotten more preventive care or more contraception services covered under your policy.
Controversy surrounding emergency contraception in the United States has lasted more than just one morning.
Obama pointing out that Romney supported employers deciding if women should have access to contraception.
On the contraception issue, Speaker Boehner is promising to repeal the rule through legislation.
Contraception access has huge economic ramifications for their lives and for the rest of us.
FORBES: Controversy Over Contraception Misses the Economic Point
That number has been falling steadily as contraception became widely available and abortion was legalized.
"Abstinence-only curriculums have gone explicitly out of their way to teach misconceptions about contraception, " she said.
The dust-up with the Catholic Bishops over contraception provision shows what trouble non-state institutions can cause.
FORBES: Romney Must Convince Conservatives He's Not A David Brooks Republican
World Contraception Day (WCD)is a worldwide campaign taking place on 26th September each year.
Insurance companies, and not faith-based employers, would bear the cost of providing contraception to employees.
It is some time since most Italians, even the good Catholics among them, eschewed contraception.
The series tends not to dwell on its protagonist's use or otherwise of contraception.
BBC: James Bond: How his sex life compares with an average man
Essentially no one questions whether women should have access to contraception: Of course they should.
Christian teaching against artificial contraception dates back to the earliest Church fathers confronting pagan Rome.
WSJ: Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good for Women? Mary Eberstadt: No
When it comes to contraception, many Vietnamese still opt for traditional techniques like rhythm and withdrawal.
But cultural resistance, lack of contraception or weak political will cannot be the sole explanations.
Social media campaigns have helped destigmatize contraception and have conveyed the importance of protecting oneself, she says.
Family planning experts have been campaigning for more than five years to increase access to emergency contraception.
BBC: News | UK Politics | MPs call for over-the-counter pills
Nor will it require anybody to practise contraception against their will (and most Catholics use contraceptives anyway).
The only thing predicting whether or not women would buy emergency contraception over the counter was income.
They require most US employers to include access to contraception, including sterilisation, in their health insurance plans.
And men might like to note that mobile phones are not intended as a form of contraception.
They contradict theories that assert a large causal role for expansion of contraception in the reduction of fertility.
Myth No. 2: If it weren't for the Catholic Church, no one would be talking about contraception anyway.
WSJ: Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good for Women? Mary Eberstadt: No
And while public comments can always be fan mail, in this case most of them opposed the contraception provision.
FORBES: Controversy Over Contraception Misses the Economic Point
Lifting these restrictions will allow emergency contraception to be stocked on store shelves, making it more accessible to everyone.
While contraception is legal, the majority, like Lopez, do not have access or the means to afford birth control.
And, as in the West, the spread of contraception is also giving women increasing control of their sex lives.
Roman Catholic bishops, evangelical leaders and other religious figureheads had lobbied for a broader exemption to the contraception requirement.