• But there have been claims that organised spontaneity is a sham and that such prayers would still contravene the law.

    BBC: 'Spontaneous' prayer tackles ban

  • The new Court of Appeal, meanwhile, handed down the judgment that Hong Kong's courts have no right to challenge a decision by China's National People's Congress, even if it seems to contravene the Basic Law.

    ECONOMIST: Hong Kong: Such calm, such politeness | The

  • It sets out certain political, social and economic rights of EU citizens, and allows the European Court of Justice to strike down any aspect of EU law that is deemed to contravene the charter.

    BBC: Civil Liberties Committee

  • Tax evasion is illegal and cannot be condoned, but tax avoidance is when people devise mechanisms which contravene an interpretation of the spirit of the law but are nonetheless perfectly legal and intended wholly or primarily to reduce their liabilities.


  • Mr Vollebaek agrees that the bill does not in itself contravene international law or Slovakia's earlier commitments to protect minority languages.

    ECONOMIST: Slovakia criminalises the use of Hungarian

  • Using a legal argument that has been upheld in the courts, Israel says this village, and many others, are unrecognised and therefore illegal, but campaigners argue the forced relocation of these communities would contravene international law.

    BBC: Israeli threat to Bedouin villages

  • "Anal examinations conducted to "prove" same-sex conduct are scientifically invalid and, furthermore, if they were conducted without the men's consent, contravene the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment under international law, " said Mr Mawanza.

    BBC: Zambian men charged over gay sex

  • In the Scottish Parliament, Labour, the Tories and Liberal Democrats said they would vote down minimum pricing, saying it might contravene European competition law and would fail to target certain "problem drinks".

    BBC: Commons committee backs minimum alcohol pricing

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