Dumfries and Galloway Council's Nithsdale area committee contributed towards the cost of the event.
Lending to home movers contributed towards an overall increase in house purchase lending.
In addition, the projects have also created employment opportunities for other community members, an aspect which has contributed towards rural development and combating rural-to-urban migration.
Accordingly, several academic and evaluation studies (see below) have been undertaken to see how the programme has contributed towards child and adult literacy development and harness the results to learn from and improve the programme.
The event was attended by members of the Lincolnshire's Lancaster Association who contributed funds towards the project.
Applicants must have contributed significantly towards the development, dissemination and the promotion of Arab culture in the world, through artistic, intellectual or promotional work.
Tim Schaaff joined Sony Corporation of America in December 2005 and has contributed greatly towards Sony's vision to create a network business that unifies Sony's network entertainment experience across all of its hardware products.
ENGADGET: Sony Network Entertainment prez Tim Schaaff retires, will remain on board of directors
The forum says unemployment and changing attitudes towards male roles has contributed to an identity crisis and growing mental health problems among men.
Renting is the logical choice for members of both of these demographic groups, and a shift on their part towards temporary occupancy appears to have contributed to a historic rise in rents during the downturn.
Whatever we do is our own affair....The attempts to pose as a tutor towards the Soviet Union, a great state that has contributed so much to the entire world civilization, are unacceptable.
But it was the closing down by Arsenal that contributed to the first goal, when the bubbly Fabregas took a chance, ran towards Ferdinand and stuck out a hopeful foot before watching his block travel 40 yards over the stranded Simon Mignolet and into the net.
Annabel Webb, whose charity, Justice for Girls, contributed to the report, said the police have cultivated a climate of "systematic racism" towards First Nation women and girls, leaving many female victims of crime reluctant to approach the police.