Contributing factors aside, most startups fail because they run out of money or time.
We should not be distracted from looking for the real contributing factors to societal violence.
But other contributing factors to their include coastal development, egg poaching, ocean pollution and global warming.
As a disease or disorder, obesity is a vicious cycle with multiple contributing factors.
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Yes, the model needs revision most certainly, but this is a complex problem with many contributing factors.
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The answer, of course, is that it was all three, and any number of other contributing factors.
But he brushed off concerns about the flagging attendance, citing poor April weather and the economy as contributing factors.
The Department of Health suggested that the spread of infection and the demands of shift working were contributing factors.
Contributing factors are transportation costs, transportation time (inventory carrying costs), taxes and quality.
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Among the many possible contributing factors that the report cited are habitat loss, pesticide use, climate change, and introduced pathogens.
While there are many contributing factors that will be explored here, the evidence points to hubris as the primary cause.
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"Other contributing factors include the volcanic ash cloud and current economic climate affecting both airline and traveller decisions, " he said.
Contributing factors include fewer interruptions from colleagues, more effective time management, feelings of empowerment, flexible hours and, of course, even longer hours.
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So, first, I'd like to get your analysis of why this disparity is as large as it is and what are the main contributing factors?
However, in the immediate aftermath of a shooting, people are typically not yet able or willing to rationally examine these other contributing factors.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding has been found to be one of the highest contributing factors in traffic crashes.
The spokeswoman said other contributing factors included adverse weather conditions, and more westerly operations since the start of phase two of the trial.
Nintendo's frontman went on to credit the demand for downloadable game add-ons and the convenience of digital titles as contributing factors in the company's surge.
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Contributing factors in the VOC decline cited by the NOAA include catalytic converters, improved engine efficiency, and reformatted fuels that are less prove to evaporation.
They also cite the cheapness and time-saving aspects of fast food as major contributing factors to the supposed epidemic of obesity in the United States.
The monitoring group found a "strong possibility" that the fainting was caused by chemical exposure and cited excessive overtime and insufficient drinking water as contributing factors.
This rising proportion of older people is a consequence of success - improved nutrition, sanitation, healthcare, education and economic well-being are contributing factors, the report says.
There are several contributing factors to this very bullish outlook.
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Cole's dismissal on his Premier League debut against Arsenal in August and the suspension that followed were probably contributing factors in his missing the qualifiers against Bulgaria and Switzerland.
If Mr. Obama really means to hold "every level accountable, " then he must make clear that he is prepared to fix the contributing factors for which he has been responsible.
Although the investigation into actor Corey Haim's death two years ago began as a "suspected prescription medication overdose, " toxicology tests "revealed no significant contributing factors" from drugs, the coroner later concluded.
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It doesn't include detail of the contributing factors either.
Major contributing factors to this appalling toll were the clay construction of much of the infrastructure in the city and the fact that the tremor struck in the middle of the night.
Likewise, if performance is an issue in your IT infrastructure, you must simulate, interact and understand any contributing factors that could cause issues in order to know how to mitigate these issues.
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Almost a year ago I wrote about how healthcare costs have risen, catastrophically for many people, and how one of the major contributing factors is the increased use of technology in medicine.