And Sir Brian Souter, chief executive of Stagecoach, has even said he would rather "take poison" than hand over control of bus services to the politicians.
BBC: Warning of bus wars over political power grab in north
He regained control of the bus and was eventually led back into Perth by a police escort.
BBC: Coach
If the CAN bus can be programmed to control the speed of your car, Freymann says, it could also be vulnerable to hackers -- which, at 70 mph, is chilling to contemplate.
CNN: Behold the?all-seeing, self-parking, safety-enforcing, networked car
The smaller models of the Digital Studio series use a built-in graphics adapter in the Intel 810 chipset, the circuitry that is normally used to control other components of the motherboard such as the PCI bus, and the serial and parallel ports.
CNN: Sony Digital Studio allows professional video editing on a PC
The bus swerved on a stretch of road, lost control and plummeted 400 metres from a cliff into the Sunkosi river, police told the BBC.
BBC: Nepal bus plunges off mountain road 'killing 41'
In the transmission segment, it offers pre-designed modular protection, control and automation solutions for transmission system assets such as transmission lines, bus-bars, large transformers and capacitor banks.
FORBES: GE Targets High-Growth Power Equipment Market with Packaged Solutions
The other main joint venture, Ford-led Ecostar, takes the machinery from Stuttgart and fits it into electric motors, transmission and control equipment to make a fuel-cell engine that can turn the wheels of a car or a bus.
ECONOMIST: Fuel cells: Intel on wheels | The