• Ephrins are believed to control the growth of nerve cells necessary to help form proper circuits within the spinal cord.

    BBC: Discovery prompts spinal cord hope

  • Adding cape plug-in boards to the popular and expandable BeagleBone computer that is used as a development kit allows hobbyists and developers to quickly and easily augment BeagleBone's capabilities with LCD screens, motor control and battery power as well as the ability to create their own circuits.

    ENGADGET: BeagleBone gets plenty of expansion options with new 'cape' add-ons

  • Dr Lin is already testing a waveguide designed to steer light with a wavelength of 1.5 microns, and he is also working on three-dimensional waveguides made of silicon, which will provide almost total control over the path the light takes, and make really complex optical circuits possible.

    ECONOMIST: New-age crystals

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