But for the last decade banks have been required to meet similar internal-control standards under the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act.
Because there is tremendous variability in manufacturing and quality control standards from company to company, choosing an effective product can be challenging.
Management shall consistently apply the internal control standards to meet each of the internal control objectives and to assess internal control effectiveness.
WHITEHOUSE: OMB Circular A-123 - Management's Responsibility for Internal Control | The White House
According to Greenwire (April 14, 2010), McCarthy gave assurances best available control technology standards for major GHG emitters would require only efficiency upgrades, not fuel switching from coal to gas.
We want to include 52 skills in one grade level curriculum, in a shorter school day, with local control over standards, with randomly qualified instructors, with varying materials and instructional approaches AND still use a standardized measure of competence.
Craig describes it as a sort of "medieval quality control or trading standards".
The result of moving email marketing in-house is more control of security standards, less risk of malicious targeting by hackers and access to more data for email execution.
"Strictly control and unify standards relating to the death penalty, and ensure that it only applies to a very small minority of criminals committing extremely serious crimes, " read one section of the supreme court's report.
"Non-infectious vaccines would clearly provide a safeguard against this risk", said Dr Andrew Macadam, a virologist specialising in polio at the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control in Hertfordshire.
This would indeed be a fundamental break in tradition even in Great Britain, where the capital exercises extraordinary control (by American standards) over Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The EPA last year issued the first-ever standards to control smog- and soot-forming gases from gas wells site, and updated existing rules to reduce cancer-causing pollution, such as benzene, from other equipment.
If the more subjective idea of control is used for standards on consolidation, as it is in Britain and elsewhere, it is easier for an auditor to exercise his judgment and insist that an entity be brought on to the balance sheet.
Although the social Web is swinging back more to proprietary standards (e.g. facebook) as companies vie for control, we still need open standards for all for it to work well.
They, along with the manufacturers of both planes and parts adhere to industry standards of quality control.
FORBES: Here's Why I'm Grateful Microsoft Doesn't Build Airplanes
In 2006 the Illinois Pollution Control Board adopted mercury pollution standards of its own, which required all coal plants to install technologies to reduce mercury pollution by 90% or more by 2009 and 2013.
WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House
The standards have faced criticism from conservatives who fear federal control of schools and from some educators who oppose the standards' emphasis on nonfiction texts at the expense of fiction.
Unemployment fell from highs of nearly 20% and inflation come under control, but incomes and living standards remained low.
It achieved growth, saw unemployment fall from highs of nearly 20% and inflation come under control, but incomes and living standards remained low.
Within a command-and-control regulatory program, performance-based standards may offer advantages over standards specifying design, behavior, or manner of compliance.
WHITEHOUSE: Memoranda 01-27 (Guidance for Implementing E.O. 13211)
"His philosophy on education is simple: let local people control their own schools, set high standards for every student and never give up on any child, " she said.
Its biggest switch, called the Nexus 7000, sits above them all, unifying a computer center's crazy quilt of engineering standards into a layer of control that Cisco can own.
Control Room operators did not always demonstrate high standards associated with nuclear plant operations.
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Ministers say that creating more of these independent state-funded schools will drive up standards by giving head teachers more control.
However, the plan is not popular in Washington, where detractors say national standards will diminish state and local control over schools.
These are the first national standards to require use of modern control technologies to reduce mercury, arsenic, lead, hydrochloric acid and other hazardous air pollutants from coal plants.
WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House
In that letter, he inquired about an AGA report called AGA-12 and efforts by the AGA to develop security standards for SCADA systems (supervisory control and data acquisition).
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Last week, IBM Research announced a pilot with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Public Health Data Standards Consortium to work on standardizing the exchange of health information among public health departments, doctors, and the CDC.
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Too often companies that produce overseas fall victim to quality control problems in countries that don't have standards consistent with America's.
Questions will cover a number of issues such as standards of care, ward environment, pain control and wellbeing.