Their task was "every bit as serious" as conventional warfare, Mr Hague said.
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Many of the UN soldiers are also better trained in conventional warfare.
BBC: Farewell to the general
They should be dumping counterinsurgency doctrine, returning to conventional warfare doctrine, and developing realistic new paradigms to address genuine threats to Americans.
FORBES: Bad News For The Establishment: Counterinsurgenices Are Unwinnable
Thousands of U.S. troops have come through the Baghdad-based COIN academy to learn how to combat insurgents in Iraq with techniques that differ greatly from conventional warfare.
NPR: Baghdad School Trains Troops to Combat Insurgents
For zero nukes would make no sense if this left the world safe for the sorts of mass conventional warfare that consumed the first half of the 20th century.
ECONOMIST: Getting to zero
This gives rise to the worry that the distinction between conventional and nuclear warfare would be blurred, leading to a lower threshold for a nuclear attack, and thus to the undermining of the global non-proliferation regime.
ECONOMIST: America’s new posture | The
And there are a lot of generals on that side, and one retired army said it's probably, you know, a 70-30 split, that most of these guys have been trained in their careers - conventional arms, big maneuver warfare.
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It must also begin training in desert warfare and develop and purchase appropriate conventional platforms.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The real Egyptian revolution
Between 1993 and 2006, that requirement evolved from the desire to maintain the capability to defeat two conventionally armed aggressors to the need to conduct a campaign against a conventional adversary while also waging a long-duration irregular warfare campaign and protecting the homeland against attack.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | The Measure of a Superpower: A Two Major Regional Contingency Military for the 21st Century | Page: 2
What this means is that the conventional development model on consoles, which is still anchored by investment sucking AAA titles like Mass Effect 3 and Modern Warfare, is seeing more and more pressure from nearly every direction.
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