This is a convergence of mobile portability with the speed and multifunctionality of fixed-line broadband.
Now AirClic and Digital: Convergence are adding to this cornucopia of codes with their own special designs.
Others say this is the perfect time for portals to be talking about convergence.
"Convergence is the byword of the mobile industry, but it doesn't always work, " notes Choong.
So always start with divergence first, and then schedule a different meeting for the convergence process.
The end of the Cold War seemed to suggest a new era of global convergence.
In essence, expect a future convergence between the techniques of B2B and the scale of B2C.
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Long before she figures out convergence, though, Laybourne must vault over some high hurdles.
Intel missed the market for low-price computers and convergence devices and was left playing catch-up.
And we see that maybe there was more convergence between the two than we thought.
As the smaller carriers grow, there's evidence of some price convergence in the industry.
Speech convergence can also be used as a technique to help people understand your message.
Tech-cultural confabs such as SXSW are not the only place where the convergence is being discussed.
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Think of the convergence of music, apps, Internet, messaging and wearability while working out, for example.
Anti-money laundering, for example, is a subject area whose compliance is ripe for convergence with anti-corruption.
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America eventually eradicated extractive southern institutions and placed the South on a path toward economic convergence.
Convergence is a celebration of how companies are achieving unity and becoming Dynamic Businesses.
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Develop a strategy for fostering the convergence of regional innovation systems at the global level.
UNESCO: House | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Brilliant sees the convergence of his experience in networks, technology and disease eradication in mystic terms.
One of the key recommendations of the roadmap is a call to accelerate medical regulatory convergence.
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He thinks that inflation convergence is something to be expected after adopting the euro, not before.
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In this simple mnemonic example, the clench phase corresponds to convergence and the release to divergence.
The big bets here are based on a sweeping convergence of two different networks.
The emergence of ecosystems represents the broad convergence of the mobility, computing and services industries.
Paradoxically the halo effect of early interest rate convergence allowed a greater divergence in fiscal policies.
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The only sort of convergence achieved was in interest rates, which were kept low.
FORBES: Roubini Warns Of Euro Break Up As Greek Credit Rating Tumbles
Sometimes, as with the Jesus Freaks, you find a perhaps not-surprising convergence of hippie and evangelical.
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Or would he try to capitalise, like Samsung, on the convergence between communications and entertainment?
There needs to be a coming together, a convergence of these very different economies.
The nationalist Convergence and Union (CiU) coalition is set to oust a Socialist-led coalition from power.