It shouldn't be a substitute for having a real conversation with your child, for spending time with them.
One conversation at a time, delivered with integrity, backed up with action is worth a thousand screams of me, me, me.
Having spent much of the flight time in serious conversation with the Afghan ministers of foreign affairs, defense, finance, interior, education, agriculture, mining, health, and labor and social affairs, almost all of them, my friends over many years now, I can say that the United States and the Afghan governments have never been better aligned and had such seriousness of purpose in trying to reach our common objectives.
It is rather like one of the buffet dinners so favoured by global gatherings, where you have to balance a wine glass and a plate in one hand, feed yourself with the other, try and have a sensible conversation and exchange cards with three people at the same time.
I've spent a lot of time thinking about my conversation with Andy, and I've rewritten this column more than a few times as a result.
If you are an executive paying a hefty bill for SAP, it may be time to reopen the conversation with your SAP experts about what is possible.
Try to remember the last time you were in a conversation with someone and found yourself competing with a phone for attention.
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So for example on climate change because you know there are negotiations going on in Bonn at the same time, I had a conversation with two of the leaders here, never mind who they were, which then allowed us to unblock some of the obstacles in the Bonn negotiation and I think we'll probably get further than we otherwise would.
Use the tools on how to open the conversation with your loved ones, and finally take the time to document these conversations.
About that time, I was having a conversation with Jaded Ibis publisher Debra DiBlasi about what the 21st Century novel looks like.
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In a rare interview, Armstrong gave almost an hour of his time this year in a video conversation with the Certified Practicing Accountants of Australia (CPA).
Have a real face-to-face conversation with someone while not doing something else at the same time.
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And that is a conversation we have had with the Pakistani government for a long time, not just in recent days and weeks.
Kahr explains that 25 people (who are based in the customer loyalty department) help manage the account, with one person at a time driving the conversation.
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However, you may decide you genuinely like your position, aside from one or two problems, in which case it's time to have an open, honest conversation with your boss--before you accept the offer.
Nevertheless, conversation with Cyril isn't advisable beyond 3pm, by which time he has made the most of his own hospitality.
Rove volunteered to return back in July after Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper had testified to a conversation with Rove in July of 2003.
Striking up a conversation with the person next to you on the subway is risky, and potentially time-consuming.
Facebook is empowering a global conversation, one friend and one fan at a time, creating a voice with incredible power.
The next time you call a car service, be sure to have a conversation with your driver.
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It's a conversation, she says, that parents should have with their children not once, but time and time again.
The first time that I'd heard of such an absurdity was during a conversation with one of our predecessors at the Gardez firebase.
Our conversation with the Governor of the Irish central bank focused on how a common monetary policy for Europe at that time would probably be too easy for the booming Irish economy.