Just to make things more convoluted, food production and distribution is now an internationalised system.
This trend is exacerbated when dual-stock structures or other convoluted methods are used to maintain control.
One set of Amazon algorithms, for example, helps people compare convoluted cellular phone plans.
Mr. Piasecki says his daughters, age 12 and 17, have no problem grasping Queue's convoluted rules.
WSJ: Poles Apart: Today's Kids Line Up to Learn About Communist Past in Poland
This story just gets more and more convoluted just as a good soap opera should.
FORBES: Ergen Throws DISHwater on Sprint/Clearwire Soap Opera
The BBC's complaints process is "convoluted" and "overly complicated", a group of peers has said.
They're so convoluted and measurement defying, they're often sold by the pound instead of board foot.
ObamaCare is so convoluted, and HHS so incompetent, that the entitlement may explode on the launchpad.
The trigger for the Devecser march was a convoluted dispute between two long-term neighbours.
The more the clutter, the fuzzier and more convoluted our perception and our dealings.
As the convoluted title of this book suggests, Robert Peston struggles to focus on one topic.
He has given convoluted and contradictory testimony as to why the eight were ousted.
Mr Bush's uncomplicated appeal may still prevail over Mr Kerry's more nuanced, convoluted one.
The convoluted dynamics responsible for the former also explain the latter, according to Joe Hagan.
FORBES: Why The NY Times Gave Its Fired CEO a $24 Million Parachute
Instead, the only solution they could pass added complexity to our already complicated, expensive, and convoluted system.
FORBES: Why The 'Repeal And Replace' Rhetoric On Obamacare Failed Romney
The lead up to the referendum is a little bit convoluted but here are the basic outlines.
The convoluted reasoning: Mitnick had agreed as a condition of his release not to consult on computer-related activity.
Brian De Palma has created a convoluted black comedy about an unhinged child psychologist, played by John Lithgow.
That's OK, especially for traditionalists who never wanted the convoluted and often confounding calculation in the first place.
WSJ: BCS Championship 2012, LSU-Alabama: Should Voters Put the Tigers First for a Close Loss?
The crisis has spread across Europe as details of the convoluted supply chain in the meat industry emerged.
The most convoluted CEO exit story this year was the double-barreled ouster at Duke Energy, of Charlotte, N.
FORBES: Vikram Pandit, Brian Dunn Among 2012's Biggest CEO Exits
It is this powerful triumvirate who advised Mr Blair that Mr Mandelson's convoluted story did not add up.
Investment guarantees have improved, and convoluted laws regarding property rental are being overhauled.
If all this sounds difficult and convoluted, it actually isn't, and most people sail through the process very easily.
The storyteller is the problem, the presenter who creates wordy, text-heavy slides and uses dull, convoluted jargon and buzzwords.
FORBES: PowerPoint: The Extreme Makeover Edition (Before and After Slides)
Mr Olens said that the laws, which had not been overhauled in many years, had grown convoluted and ambiguous.
The FINRA arbitration system is convoluted, overburdened, expensive, and designed to protect Claimants.
FORBES: TIC-ed Off Customers Sue Over Tenants In Common Investment
The tale of the missing money is convoluted, and Mr al-Ghussein's family hold to a version that shows him honourable.
This year it has promised to separate the convoluted accounts of its different business units, suspected of subsidising one another.
To my way of thinking, this argument is too convoluted and full of holes to help the cause of business.