After cooling down and receiving a sponge bath, Orb was loaded onto a van headed to Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore.
Cooling down in the lake, and then watching the sun setting over the dunes while soaking in a hot spring is a surreal experience.
After the Olympic "warm-up", were things cooling down, I asked?
And without a massive increase in the supply of affordable, subsidized housing, the government will not succeed in cooling down housing-related tensions that now threaten social stability.
The same people that said 20 years ago that the Earth was cooling down are the same ones that said the Earth is now heating up, said Welday.
After the amendment, food such as sausage rolls or pasties sold on shelves - that is, cooling down, rather than being kept hot in a special cabinet - will not be liable for VAT.
Oriental Daily News blames corruption and a lack of transparency in the mainland for a "marked cooling down" of public enthusiasm in Hong Kong for donating funds compared with the Wenchuan earthquake five years ago.
One can just as easily make the case that the economy is cooling down more than it is accelerating, yet the ever-typical beginning of the year optimism has controlled the narrative thus far in the face of evidence to the contrary.
But when people the Ehrlichs agree with are wrong for example, the scientist who predicted in the 1970s that the world's climate was probably cooling down, or Mr Ehrlich himself who overestimated the scale of famine in the 1980s the Ehrlichs' response is that they ought to have been right: conditions changed or technology intervened or something else happened to explain why contrary evidence should be discounted.
He says that tree cover is a good first step to keeping cooling costs down in the South.
"We now have to face the hard facts that the attempt to carry through a quick cooling-down over seven days has failed, " said Larsen.
Mr Biden himself and many State Department officials, together with George Mitchell, who was to have supervised the now-stalled proximity talks, advised cooling things down.
The new technique relies on using precision laser beams to "kick" antihydrogen atoms, knocking loose a bit of energy from them and cooling them down.
In experiments on dogs they have found that by pumping liters of ice-cold salt water into their arteries and cooling them down to 59 degrees they can preserve vital organs up to three hours after the heart stops.
Dr Cirac and Dr Romero-Isart therefore propose putting the virus inside a microscopic cavity and cooling it down to its state of lowest energy (ground state, in physics parlance) using a piece of apparatus known as a laser trap.
The result is that the triple junction has a tendency to pump fast electrons from the metal into the superconductor, cooling the metal down.
The power cut last month shut down cooling systems for four spent fuel ponds at reactors 1, 3 and 4, although cooling for the reactors themselves was not affected.
The power cut shut down cooling systems for four spent fuel ponds at reactors 1, 3 and 4 on Monday evening, although cooling to the reactors themselves was not affected.
In the middle of the night, a passing storm brought some relief with about half an hour of showers, cooling the temperature down even more, but not completely drenching our campsite.
Benchmark bond yields that peaked at 5.84% now stand at 4.11% as perceptions about a cooling global economy trickle down.
The cooling system could shut down within 24 hours, NASA said.
The IAEA statement was released hours after Tepco temporarily shut down the cooling system in the second unit's spent fuel pool following the discovery of dead rodents near a transformer.
It took Tepco three hours to announce that the cooling systems had been shut down.
After 8 hours the batteries ran down and the cooling system quit.
Scores of cooling stations were opened up and down the East Coast.
Several stages of cooling are needed to slow them down before they can be trapped, forming a matchstick-sized cloud of around 30, 000 particles.
Even hybrids are cooling off, with consumer interest down 34% compared with June's figures, according to Edmunds, which gets 16 million hits a month.
In the past month, Fukushima nuclear plant has experienced two power outages that shut down some of its cooling systems for spent fuel ponds.
In April, a failed cooling device in turn caused a break-down in a mechanism that cleans the air in Mir's cabin of carbon dioxide.
Musegaas believes Indian Point will have to either shut down or switch to closed-cycle cooling, which Entergy is challenging.