Before Galileo began running balls down an inclined plane to measure changes in velocity, and before Descartes developed his coordinatesystem, the German Jesuit Christoph Clavius, designed the mathematics curriculum for the major universities of Europe.
Bombardier also teamed up with another firm to develop a security system that will coordinate and transmit video footage taken inside the traincars with footage taken by cameras in stations and along the routes.
Of course, the company, at the behest of its Special Committee has not accepted any of the progress payments from Sprint that it had expected to receive by now to pay for the rebuild of its WIMAX system to TDD LTE to coordinate with the new Sprint network.
Insurers are increasingly paying doctors and hospitals if they can better coordinate patient care rather than the fee-for-service system of today that pays for more care even though it is not necessarily better.
Lacking a computerized system to track information about power outages, LIPA relied on an outmoded system of paper maps, photos and Post-it Notes to coordinate its service efforts with National Grid.