In the study, women who smoked were four times more likely than nonsmokers to develop COPD.
But those with COPD were no more motivated to quit than smokers without the disease.
The researchers took into account factors such as cigarette smoking and age, which can affect COPD risk.
In future studies, Sims says that the researchers should diagnose COPD using a breathing test called spirometry.
Vitamin E did not lower the risk of asthma, a condition associated with a higher risk of COPD.
The researchers looked at macrophage samples from the lung fluid samples of 15 smokers and 15 patients with COPD.
In addition, early diagnoses can be inconclusive or due to lung problems that don't turn out to be COPD.
The idea that vitamin E can reduce the risk of developing COPD is "biologically plausible, " says Yvonne Kelly, Ph.
He points out that people with asthma may think they have COPD, or vice versa, since the symptoms are similar.
Dr Maier said that COPD was often poorly diagnosed by doctors, and therefore was not managed in the correct way.
This "remodelling" of the arteries suggests that changes caused by cigarette smoking may occur at an early stage in COPD .
However, they said the operation could still help to improve the lives of many people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
If you have a history of asthma or emphysema, (COPD) or other chronic lung disease, limit your exposure to the cold temperatures.
Researchers from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College, London, looked at how the lungs become inflamed in COPD sufferers.
In fact, anyone who thought he or she was at increased risk of COPD could potentially benefit from these supplements, he adds.
She said methods such as pulmonary rehabilitation could make an enormous difference to how someone copes with COPD and manages their breathlessness.
The researchers hope their work may lead to a COPD treatment that mimics the adjustments of a healthy body to an oxygen-depleted state.
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Trained dogs were asked to sniff out a study group that included lung cancer patients, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, and healthy volunteers.
FORBES: How Dogs Beat Doctors in Identifying Early-Stage Lung Cancer
Experts believe vitamins A, C, and E -- the so-called ACE antioxidants -- combat oxidative stress in the lungs that can lead to COPD.
Professor West said many smokers thought the symptoms of COPD - such as a smokers' cough or becoming breathless during exercise - were normal.
Currently, no vitamin supplements are recommended to prevent or treat COPD.
"We strongly believe if we can identify molecular pathways controlling healthy response to low oxygen, we can develop new ideas for treating COPD, " Dr. Roach says.
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According to Sims, the new study offers an incentive to look closer at the potential to use vitamin E or other antioxidants to help prevent COPD.
The study also found that smokers who had COPD showed higher levels of dependence on cigarettes and smoked more cigarettes a day than smokers without the disease.
If you are over the age of 50, are pregnant, have asthma, diabetes, chronic lung disease (such as COPD or emphysema), you should get a flu shot.
One limitation of the study is that the researchers relied on the women to report whether or not they had a diagnosis of COPD, says Michael Sims, M.
Dr Melissa Hack, of British Thoracic Society (BTS), agreed that the increase in COPD among women was probably a result of smoking patterns in the 1950s and 60s.
They added resveratrol to the samples and found it reduced the production of a particular cytokine, interleukin 8, by 94% in smokers' macrophages and by 88% in COPD macrophages.
Dame Helena Shovelton, chief executive of the British Lung Foundation, welcomed the research, and said the charity would be launching a campaign in October to raise awareness of COPD.
While the risk reduction is relatively small, 10 percent, COPD is a common and life-threatening condition in which a decline in lung function can be slowed down but not reversed.