Failure to cope with this problem now could mean as much as a trillion dollars more in national debt in the next four years alone.
But the registration period had to be extended for two days, until August 6th, to cope with the problem posed by about 50, 000 internal refugees.
Tindle explained that, in general, optimists tend to experience less stress than pessimists when faced with problems, and they tend to assess the situation, cope with the problem head-on, and mobilize support to solve issues, more so than pessimists.
Whatever gains a misguided shooter experiences in the short term are lost down the road since there is no way to cope with a problem unless or until a person identifies it, understands it, and purges it from his behavioral repertoire.
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Mrs Kennedy said that neither her sister, Kane's mother, nor her mother Mrs Milward, could cope with his drug problem which led him to beg, steal and borrow to get his next fix.
While Cathy tries lovingly to cope with his drinking problem and then his "illness" after she discovers his secret, Pasquale blazes with hidden anguish, until he bursts out in Frank's passionate confession, "I Never Knew, " about the wonders of being truly in love for the first time.
Larger power suppliers in developed nations are said to be mostly prepared for the date rollover, but some officials remain worried about how the industry overall will cope with the year 2000 computer problem.
The problem of how to cope with emerging nationalism in the Balkans faced by the multinational empires on all sides (Austria-Hungary, Russia and Ottoman Turkey) was the nub of the problem.
Player fatigue may be a problem Activision will need to cope with at some point, but out-and-out player rebellion is not in the cards.
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For families from the Newtown area, and even beyond, a pressing problem will be how to help children cope with the aftermath of this tragedy -- and indeed how to give parents space to grieve, knowing their children are being looked after.
Part of the problem is that we have these new members to cope with, because there is not so much that they bring it.
Where the service member once drank to cope with stress, he and his family now used communication, emotional regulation, and problem-solving skills to overcome challenges.
The problem with all these moves is that they will leave future administrations less prepared to cope with nuclear states if geopolitical conditions deteriorate.
The problem is not only how to get rid of the heat, but how to cope with the very large electrical currents that must flow on and off the chip without melting the connecting leads.