• The President and the Prime Minister consulted on the upcoming Copenhagen Climate Change Conference and the President's participation on December 9th.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Hosted by Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, representatives of the world religions presented their long-term plans to address climate change ahead of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference.

    UN: Secretary-General

  • But do you remember how much coverage there was of the Copenhagen climate change conference, both the hopes attached to it and the massive disappointment when it failed?

    BBC: Why have we left bank reform to technocrats?

  • On Dec. 7 2009, as expectations grew for the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, Jackson signed an endangerment finding that asserted carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases pose a threat to human health when concentrated in the atmosphere.

    FORBES: EPA Chief Resigns: Declared Carbon Dioxide A Pollutant

  • The Guardian newspaper quoted Stern soon after the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in 2009 saying the U.S. really only needed to negotiate with a small number of growing economies, like China, India, Brazil, and South Africa, and that might best be accomplished outside of the UN.

    FORBES: UN Climate Chief Dismisses US Threat To Abandon Negotiations

  • They must craft a common EU position to take to the Copenhagen climate-change conference in December.

    ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

  • The only notable success of the Copenhagen climate-change conference last year was a commitment to pursue them.

    ECONOMIST: Forests and how to save them

  • Although the Copenhagen Conference on climate change failed to achieve anything like its sponsors' objectives, their under lying push for greater international control over the economies of the world's nations, and their tax and regulatory systems, continues unabated.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Little to celebrate

  • The once unstoppable green machine lost its mojo at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

    FORBES: The Green Movement's People Problem

  • On the main stage of global affairs this week we have the much touted UN climate change conference in Copenhagen.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Narcissists and madmen

  • She will be inducted by the Secretary-General on Tuesday, 15 December 2009, during the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

    UN: Press Release

  • You might also like to look at the way School Reporters covered the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

    BBC: Story ideas for 2011 News Day

  • In a much-anticipated United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, the President arrived after nearly two weeks of work with the firm intention of seizing the opportunity to get something solid done.

    WHITEHOUSE: Share This Post

  • With the United Nations' climate change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, just two months away, it is imperative that our two nations establish a more trusting, give-and-take relationship upon which good business partnerships are built.

    CNN: Coal-burning CEO: U.S., China must fight pollution

  • Given the myriad of other reasons to limit human fertility (Dr Potts notes, for example, that slowing population growth is essential if poverty is to be eradicated), your correspondent cannot help but commend the report to mandarins meeting in Bangkok on September 28th to discuss the forthcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

    ECONOMIST: Fewer people would mean lower greenhouse-gas emissions

  • Now, ahead of the international climate-change conference in Copenhagen in December, he wants to show that France is taking the lead.

    ECONOMIST: Hot air over a tentative carbon tax

  • Forty years later, with climate change looming and no strong international agreement in place despite the Copenhagen Climate conference, environmental activists are taking a proactive stance.

    CNN: 40th Earth Day a planet-wide movement

  • He flew to Copenhagen for a United Nations "climate change" conference at which he pledged to lame the U.S. economy and fork over more American tax dollars to other countries.

    FORBES: Freedom's Edge

  • As for climate change, Mr Saran points out that India, like other poor countries, will be among the worst-hit by a warming globe and has an overriding interest in a successful international regime emerging from the climate-change conference in Copenhagen in December.

    ECONOMIST: Banyan

  • Once the survey has been completed, the findings will be made available for the United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties in Copenhagen, Denmark, next year.

    BBC: Polar survey team start journey

  • Climate Change Conference in December of 2009 in Copenhagen suggests otherwise.

    FORBES: Climate Friend or Foe? China in Copenhagen

  • That is because, in the run-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference taking place next month in Copenhagen, fuel subsidies are on the political agenda.

    ECONOMIST: Green.view

  • Mr Wen spent a long time at his press conference defending his record at the climate-change summit in Copenhagen in December, where China was widely accused of obduracy.

    ECONOMIST: Chinese foreign policy

  • The 17th Conference of the Parties (COP 17) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Durban, South Africa, from 28 November to 9 December, just a year after the United Nations Climate Change conference held in Cancun in 2010, and two years after the Copenhagen Conference.

    UNESCO: Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses

  • In a few weeks from now, the meeting of the conference of parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will take place in Copenhagen.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference

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