The two platforms spent recent years copying each other's moves, and they're fairly indistinguishable now.
Once again, Nokia calls on HTC to compete using its own innovations and to stop copying from Nokia.
For too long their entire business model has relied on copying the work of others.
LimeWire admonishes the kids using it not to do anything bad, like copying a copyrighted file.
Patterson began copying the first five books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch, in 2007.
Soon he was also archiving his personal life, scanning in old photos and copying music CDs.
Dissatisfied customers and a culture of copying created an ideal environment for file-sharing to grow.
The hipsters who are the first to try something new don't want everyone copying them.
It is to hot sauce what Kleenex is to tissue and Xerox is to copying.
While copying a name is relatively easy, obtaining the most valuable pot varieties isn't.
"This kind of blatant copying is wrong, " Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet said in a statement.
That is the reason behind patents and copyrights: Copying destroys the incentive to innovate.
And all this copying is completely legal, because copyright law doesn't cover apparel design.
Trends are the cornerstone of contemporary fashion, and legal copying allows them to develop and spread.
More important, in sports there are practical barriers to immediately copying a successful new tactic.
In cuisine, as in fashion, copying is a critical part of the creative process.
But focusing directly on rewarding authors rather than regulating copying suggests a more productive approach.
Samsung has done well by furiously copying the best product and marketing just as furiously.
The rise of digital music technologies, which make copying easy, is given as justification.
That means gangs of phishers are now monitoring and copying each others' tactics, says Mather.
Offer your time and services to help them with filing, copying, administrative or other office tasks.
It lies in the operating system or operating model that other companies are now copying.
FORBES: Steve Jobs and Apple's Astounding Legacy for The American Enterprise
Copying and pasting from one role to another is not going to do anyone any favors.
Copying them onto a computer file -- also known as 'ripping' a CD -- is simple.
What is there that you can do to stop someone else copying what you do?
Users can save time associated with opening, editing and copying large files and applications between devices.
ENGADGET: Kingston HyperX is an SSD soul stuck in a flash drive's body (video)
We had people going around copying down the numbers of white vans and e-mailing them.
Copying was almost entirely done in large batches making temporary monopolies efficient and natural.
Copying the files in these folders to a hard drive stopped them being automatically deleted.
Apple lawyers accused South Korea-based Samsung of copying Apple designs after realising it could not compete.