• She was a junior minister in trade and industry during Corazon Aquino's presidency.

    ECONOMIST: Gloria of the Philippines

  • This is alarming to me, because these are the same tactics she used when she joined President Corazon Aquino's cabinet.

    CNN: Philippine Contenders

  • The last Filipino to excite such adulation was a reluctant politician, Corazon Aquino, whose presidency ended the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos.

    ECONOMIST: A hero for the Philippines

  • Rico Puno, the deputy interior minister, who also served President Corazon Aquino, the incumbent's mother, was among those blamed for the debacle.

    ECONOMIST: The Philippines' awakening president

  • Some of his fiercest opponents on the issue were the Roman Catholic church, to which most Filipinos belong, and a former president, Corazon Aquino.

    ECONOMIST: The Philippines

  • She has just been in the Philippines, talking to Corazon Aquino.

    ECONOMIST: Only widows and orphans?

  • The first to be arrested, Juan Ponce Enrile, is a serial offender, having been arrested for trying to overthrow Corazon Aquino's government in the late 1980s.

    ECONOMIST: More mayhem in Manila

  • That is a safeguard that Estrada's opponents, led by the leaders of People Power - former president Corazon Aquino and Catholic leader Cardinal Jaime Sin - want to preserve at all costs.

    CNN: The Battle Lines Form

  • The Philippines' Corazon Aquino started her campaign against Ferdinand Marcos more than 14 years ago in remarkably similar circumstances: the fractious coalition, the ragtag convoys, the concern that contesting elections might be futile.


  • The land-reform program initiated by Corazon Aquino, tolerated by Fidel Ramos and supposedly supported by Estrada seeks to break the aristocracy's grip on real estate and give farmers a stake in their own destiny.


  • Mr. Aquino is the son of the late President Corazon Aquino and was thrust into the presidency from the Senate because of public affection for his mother, who died shortly before the 2010 presidential race.

    WSJ: Philippine Midterm Vote Sets Stage for 2016

  • They are quick to point to successes in the past, such as Corazon Aquino's "People Power" in the Philippines, which ousted the corrupt regime of Ferdinand Marcos in 1986, or, more recently, the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Game-changing chance

  • The bright lights of the cameras bothered his eyes, and a friend back home mistook his victory picture for one of Corazon Aquino, who was in the news for having just overthrown the Philippine government of Ferdinand Marcos.

    CNN: The agony and ecstasy of the National Spelling Bee

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