And the point is that Republicans certainly do not have a corner on the market when it comes to interest in reducing the deficit.
The prosecution also repeatedly played 30 seconds of surveillance video taken from a bar on the corner of Market and Castro where the accident occurred, which showed from two perspectives pedestrians entering the crosswalk and then Bucchere plowing into one of them.
Buried in the various announcements Facebook made on Wednesday about updates to its mobile efforts was this: Facebook is looking to corner the market on location-based user data.
The problem came when his brother Otto devised a scheme to corner the market on UCC stock by aggressively buying it, waiting for prices to soar, then forced the short-sellers to repay the borrowed stock.
But his staff is unlikely to corner the market on Internet creativity.
"Chinese companies want to corner the market on these resources, " says Ecclestone.
Italy needs to get a firmer hold on this corner of the market if its dominance of the fashion industry is not to be threatened.
With the month of August just around the corner, much of Europe is set to go on holiday, which means the market place will have fewer players the next few weeks.
FORBES: Comex Gold Trading Near Steady on Chart Consolidation; Central Bank Meetings Loom
One corner of the market that is doing well as the consumer economy slogs on to the holiday horizon and unemployment remains over 9.5%: For-profit colleges.
FORBES: Continuing Education Business Among Those Turning Out Profits
This is not the first time a mess has appeared in the metals markets, though previous scandals have tended to involve long positions (bets on rising prices, the opposite of short-selling) and attempts to corner the market.
Even just putting efficiency and alternatives on an equal footing with heavily subsidized fossil fuels would level the market enough to turn the corner and create local jobs and component manufacturing here in the United States.
The private-label corner of the U.S. credit-card market is enjoying a resurgence as fewer Americans fall behind on their payments.