And if that happens, Apple will corner the market in terms of coupons and payments.
It hopes to corner the market there for loans to homeowners who might not qualify for bank credit.
Mirabilis's goal is to corner the market, says Yossi Vardi, the company's first investor and head of business development.
The exchange guarantees all trades and deliveries, and will monitor members' positions to guard against attempts to corner the market.
But his staff is unlikely to corner the market on Internet creativity.
"Chinese companies want to corner the market on these resources, " says Ecclestone.
But Adkerson believes the merged company will hardly corner the market.
One company that first corner the market of the hard-working Detroiter dates back to 1991, and the launch of Made in Detroit brand.
Buried in the various announcements Facebook made on Wednesday about updates to its mobile efforts was this: Facebook is looking to corner the market on location-based user data.
But under current EU law only 10% of allocations can be auctioned from 2008 to 2012: one worry here is that a primary auction could let a big buyer corner the market.
To corner the market, one of the two billionaires will first have to win over Comcast, which is currently offering Microsoft's Foundation Edition software and testing the Moxi box, made by Allen's company, Digeo.
The problem came when his brother Otto devised a scheme to corner the market on UCC stock by aggressively buying it, waiting for prices to soar, then forced the short-sellers to repay the borrowed stock.
Success is never assured, but it can only be extended only two ways: If you corner the market, impossible in the uberdisruptive tech space, or if you are unabashedly willing to question everything, all the time.
This is not the first time a mess has appeared in the metals markets, though previous scandals have tended to involve long positions (bets on rising prices, the opposite of short-selling) and attempts to corner the market.
When Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, in his recent semi-annual testimony before Congress, did not hint that QE3 was just around the corner, the market sold off.
FORBES: Markets Hooked On Liquidity Drug From Central Bank Pushers
Then, by the time everyone was coming around to the idea that the last invincible corner of the market was finally rolling over, the correction seemed to end Tuesday, and stocks like Apple and Priceline were back in positive territory amid a surge for the broader market.
And the point is that Republicans certainly do not have a corner on the market when it comes to interest in reducing the deficit.
Perhaps we will call this the "job loss recovery" because we don't seem to have turned the corner in the labor market--and it appears much worse than earlier jobless recoveries (thanks to Erica Groshen at the New York Fed for finding that the first use of the term "jobless recovery" was in The New York Times in the 1930s).
Of course, I know that corner of the market and feel comfortable in it.
The Texas connections led to Khalid's involvement with the Hunt brothers' attempt to corner the silver market, which collapsed along with silver prices in 1980.
Italy needs to get a firmer hold on this corner of the market if its dominance of the fashion industry is not to be threatened.
Ofcom initially believed Sky was trying to corner the retail market.
One corner of the market that is doing well as the consumer economy slogs on to the holiday horizon and unemployment remains over 9.5%: For-profit colleges.
FORBES: Continuing Education Business Among Those Turning Out Profits
Moreover, I would not rule out actively managed ETFs for investors where they provide access to some specialized expertise in a far flung corner of the market.
FORBES: Better Investment Results Often Come When You Don't Mess With What's Working
One particularly hot corner of the market is western art, which took off around 1983, a time of great oil-derived wealth in the Western United States, and continues unabated.
The prosecution also repeatedly played 30 seconds of surveillance video taken from a bar on the corner of Market and Castro where the accident occurred, which showed from two perspectives pedestrians entering the crosswalk and then Bucchere plowing into one of them.
"If the market has indeed turned the corner, we will have ample time to make commitments...because the average bull market since 1900 has lasted in the neighborhood of two years, " says Sullivan.
Kennedy announced an investigation and Congress held hearings as the case grew wider to include federal agriculture programs and an alleged attempt to corner the liquid fertilizer market in West Texas.
In 1979 Business Week proclaimed the death of stocks, failing to see that waiting around the corner was the largest, longest stock market expansion in history.