If one of the plaques in your coronary arteries ruptures, it can cause a heart attack.
Fixing clogged coronary arteries once required invasive surgery in an expensive operating room.
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is commonly used to treat partial and complete blockages of the coronary arteries.
Blockages in the legs tend to be longer and more spread out than those in coronary arteries.
WSJ: Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) - When Achy Legs Are a Warning
The computer program can also simulate how coronary arteries develop and reproduce exactly what happens when the heart pumps.
An angiogram showed he had blockages in some coronary arteries, caused by fatty plaque over the years, doctors said.
He had surgery to relieve four blocked coronary arteries on 7 August.
Some 60% of people with PAD also have diseased coronary arteries and are at heightened risk of a heart attack.
After a second ECG at 7 a.m. revealed minor abnormalities, Cheney's doctors decided to take a closer look at his coronary arteries.
His coronary arteries were hard as a rock and filled with calcium.
One woman had calcified deposits in her coronary arteries that looked strikingly like someone with serious heart disease showing up in the hospital today.
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They monitored how volunteers' arteries coped with the fatty drink and checked for calcium deposits in their coronary arteries, a sign of heart disease.
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According to measurements made with a small ultrasound probe snaked into the coronary arteries, Crestor reduced the volume of plaque in the arteries by 6.8%.
Cheney had suffered three heart attacks in 10 years, his first at age 37, and in 1988 underwent quadruple-bypass surgery to relieve blockages in his coronary arteries.
In the procedure, a catheter system, guided by ultrasound was inserted into an artery in the leg then threaded up through the aorta and into the coronary arteries.
Cina also said Friday that coronary artery disease was a contributing cause to Khan's death, because the autopsy showed one of his major coronary arteries was 75% blocked.
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When Tardif threaded an ultrasound probe into patients' coronary arteries, he found something better: Patients who took AGI-1067 had less plaque even in areas the angioplasty hadn't touched.
In PCI, a catheter is passed usually from the femoral artery in the groin up to the heart and into the small coronary arteries that pass through the heart muscle.
Last year, researchers published a study suggesting the device could help prevent small heart attacks that occasionally occur in about 10% of procedures when stents are deployed to prop open diseased coronary arteries.
The stress thallium and the cardio catheterization, in which dye is injected in the coronary arteries (arteries of the heart muscle) are both useful in telling us if there is any coronary artery disease.
Dr. Robert Bonow, chief of cardiology at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, notes that about 10 percent of study participants with a positive test had normal coronary arteries, and 17 percent of those with a normal test had coronary disease.
Additional tests may include a nuclear stress test to assess for blockages in the coronary arteries, and if positive, a cardiac catheterization, an invasive test which involves threading a thin wire into the heart to assess for blockages in the coronary arteries as well.
Steven Nissen, the chairman of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic and head of the American College of Cardiology, will present one key study that will use ultrasound probes to measure the effect of torcetrapib on plaque in the coronary arteries at the ACC meeting in New Orleans next March.
Used diagnostically in patients with coronary artery disease to determine which arteries should receive a stent, it involves inserting a guide wire that measures pressure into the artery instead of relying solely on the traditional coronary angiogram.
There's also good news in the medical devices business, especially in the area of coronary stents, which are used to open closed arteries.
But in people who are older than this - as most of the nurses in the study were - it can be the first sign of coronary heart disease, where the heart's arteries become blocked by fatty deposits.
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Both outfits make coronary stents, wire-mesh devices used to keep arteries open, and other medical devices.
Coronary artery disease refers to the damage to your heart arteries from atherosclerosis.
All underwent coronary stenting - where narrow tubes are inserted to combat the narrowing of arteries.
It currently rules the market for coronary stents, wire-mesh devices that are used to prop open clogged arteries.