The vast majority of countries use the territorial method of imposing corporate income taxes.
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Cutting corporate income taxes, on the other hand, would disproportionately benefit those with higher incomes.
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He therefore believes in cutting personal and corporate income taxes, reducing estate taxes, and cutting government spending.
Her corporation is an S-corporation, so she files and pays her corporate income taxes on her individual return.
He wants to get rid of corporate income taxes (in fact, he managed to ensure that Alcoa avoided paying very many).
In Switzerland, two-thirds of total taxes, including individual and corporate income taxes, are levied by the cantons, not the central government.
America suffers from virtually the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world, nearly 40% on average counting state corporate income taxes.
To understand the change, think about the nature of corporate income taxes.
FORBES: Who Pays The Corporate Income Tax? Workers Bear The Burden, Too.
Aides to the subcommittee said they have never seen a company use a subsidiary that didn't owe corporate income taxes to any country.
WSJ: Apple Pays No Tax on Much of Its Overseas Income, Senate Panel Finds
Corporate income taxes are just passed on to consumers anyways, so it makes more sense to tax individuals rather than businesses whenever possible.
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As noted above, REITs that payout 90% of taxable income (and satisfy other REIT requirements) can avoid paying 90% of corporate income taxes.
Kinder and Morgan set their firm up as a master limited partnership, an obscure structure that had one key advantage: no corporate income taxes.
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And when state corporate income taxes went down, public firms increased investments by just 1.6 percent versus 7.4 percent at the matched private firms.
Federal individual and corporate income taxes, and excise taxes, are more than 6 times greater each year than the interest on the national debt.
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Most of the guest billings were passed through the real estate investment trust portion of the company, which didn't have to pay corporate income taxes.
In a story closer to home this week, Apple successfully avoided paying corporate income taxes in a move that it saw as critical to its future.
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McCain says his proposals will create jobs, but his way of doing that involves cutting corporate income taxes, which would mainly benefit better-off people who own stocks.
We got a nice letter from Wyoming explaining that they did not have any forms for us because there were neither personal nor corporate income taxes in Wyoming.
Of those studies that distinguish between types of taxes, corporate income taxes are found to be most harmful, followed by personal income taxes, consumption taxes and property taxes.
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Economists generally agree that the tax (even though invented by the French) is less destructive to economic growth than higher personal or corporate income taxes or higher payroll taxes.
Given both supply-side economic theory and the examples provided by Texas and South Dakota, it is clear that Kansas needs to eliminate both its personal and its corporate income taxes.
Logically, this would include getting rid of their personal and corporate income taxes, which cost Greece much more in economic growth than they are worth in terms of revenue generation.
That's thanks to Act 221, passed three years ago in an effort to promote long-term business investment with credits to offset state income and corporate income taxes over a five-year period.
Christopher Helman of Forbes argues that U.S. major oil companies are heavily taxed and should not have their U.S. corporate income taxes raised by repeal of LIFO and oil-specific tax breaks.
Individual income taxes, corporate income taxes, the consumption tax?
New Jersey wanted some corporate income taxes from Telebright.
FORBES: Corporate Tax Departments Will Start Hating Telecommuters
It also shows that states without a personal income tax have average annual growth rates 0.5 percent higher than other states, while states without corporate income taxes average a full percentage point higher each year.
He wants to cut personal and corporate income taxes to 9%, abolish most other federal taxes, and make up for the lost revenue with a 10% sales tax (billed as 9% thanks to a mathematical sleight of hand).
Based on corporate income taxes collected by the U.S. Treasury, the taxable earnings of all private and public U.S. corporations were up a whopping 60% in 2006 versus 2004--the fastest rate since we began tracking it a decade ago.