Col Gaddafi was killed by rebels after being captured and his corpse was put on public display.
Mr. Wazir says the corpse of his 2-year-old daughter Palwasha was amid the charred bodies.
In Tabu-Flo's interpretation, two night dancers are confronted by the community after they eat a corpse.
When the diners finally file out, the corpse of a lion is sprawled across the table.
Captain Haines once hung the corpse of a would-be murderer in chains from Aden's Barrier Gate.
The couple have previously collaborated on Planet of the Apes, Big Fish and Corpse Bride.
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Authenticating the corpse, though, is a lot easier than establishing the cause of death.
In November, the police discovered a mummified corpse in a hotel near Narita, Tokyo's airport.
Fighting back tears, Deborah Ngoh Tonye described what was left of her sister's gruesome corpse.
Another wave interrupted and ripped away its lunch, either saving the crustacean or returning a corpse to the sea.
They also note that, despite being called a political corpse by Mr Medvedev, Mr Saakashvili has survived.
The evening of his disappearance, a corpse turned up in a wooded area in Mumbai's northern suburbs.
They pump trillions of dollars of fresh credit into insolvent banks like embalming fluid into a corpse.
The process involves freezing a corpse with liquid nitrogen, then vibrating it to reduce the body to powder.
The jury was shown graphic photos of Mr McCulloch's corpse, which was later discovered in his burnt-out home.
From a height of between twenty and twenty-five feet above the waves, they heaved the corpse into the water.
Few people who came to view Muammar Gaddafi's corpse in Misrata seemed to object to this break with tradition.
Ed stopped his crying and suddenly shivered, as if a nameless vessel, carrying his own corpse, had just passed.
Therefore, if they are really out there, someone, somewhere, should have come across a big cat corpse by now.
Once the doctor has reanimated the corpse, played by Peter Boyle, it becomes clear that something is seriously wrong.
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The authors had prior access to the photographs of Mallory's corpse and possessions.
From his previous observation, Gonzalvo expected the mother to stay with the corpse.
The jury was shown graphic photos of Mr McCulloch's corpse which was later discovered in his burnt out home.
She admitted concealing the birth of a child and preventing the lawful burial of a corpse at Bradford Crown Court.
If the police kill a crook, she flies to the scene of the shoot-out to pose over the bleeding corpse.
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Perhaps conscious of the absurdity of trying a corpse, prosecutors last week added Mr. Browder to the dock in absentia.
So the corpse is to be exhumed before (it is hoped) any evidence it might carry is lost through decomposition.
The salvage operation at the disaster site wound down on Monday, the first day in which workers didn't find a corpse.
So one SEAL, who was six feet tall, lay beside the corpse: it measured roughly four inches longer than the American.
It may turn out that Europe is the head of the corpse bobbing out from the hole in the sunken boat.