• If you have time to correspond with me, could you answer several questions?

    NPR: Part One

  • At this time, tornado and severe thunderstorm forecasts were renamed "watches" to correspond with products issued by the National Hurricane Center.


  • Use of appropriate teaching aids: The programme uses learning materials that learners encounter in their daily lives, but simplified to correspond with their reading level.

    UNESCO: Adult Literacy Tutors Association (ALTA)

  • For those of you without a statistical app on your GPS, those engagement assessments and sales increases correspond to one another with a whopping 0.72 correlation, which is marketing mileage any CMO would like to drive.

    FORBES: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

  • When it came time to launch his book, The Purpose Driven Life, last year, Warren used Pastors.com to invite churches to participate in a "40 Days of Purpose" event (to correspond with the book's 40 chapters).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • You will notice that the third and the fourth subject areas correspond to, coincide and overlap with many of the allegations of obstruction of justice in Article II.


  • Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, we advise leaders to strengthen the behaviors that correspond with ethical conduct.

    FORBES: Ethics in Leadership: The 8 Rules to Prevent Misuse of Corporate Power

  • In a bid to put pressure on the Greek government, Hall is calling on fans to write to Greek media outlets, correspond with local embassies, and of course, tweet.

    FORBES: Day Z Creator Calls on Community to Pressure Greek Government into Releasing Developers

  • One theory goes like this: that most countries have ended up with first house sizes that correspond to the cube root of their populations.

    BBC: Incongruous, inconsistent, irrational

  • It also means that university officials whose positions and salaries correspond to governing academic institutions will also be tasked with overseeing operations that only nominally fall within the scope of their other duties.

    FORBES: Architecture of College Sports Behind The Scandals

  • Casio has redesigned the ClassPad series' software keyboard to make this new model easier to use, organizing functions to correspond to three levels of learning difficulty, beginning with basic functions used by everyone like fractions, square roots, and trigonometric functions, then advanced functions like differential calculus, complex compound numbers, and sigma calculations, and finally even more advanced calculations including piecewise and user-defined formulas.

    ENGADGET: Casio's touchscreen graphing calculator arrives in 2013, makes the TI-84+ look dated

  • Besides the Zune Pad just not feeling quite right (sweeping motions didn't predictably correspond to cursor movement), it's also worth mentioning that our experience with the Zune Pad wasn't entirely bug free, either.

    ENGADGET: New Zune review (part 2): upgrade, hardware, software and Social

  • Dr Iacoboni discovered that the mirror neurons involved in grasping the intentions of others are in part of the right hemisphere that corresponds to Broca's area in the left hemisphere, and both also correspond with mirror-neuron sites in monkeys.

    ECONOMIST: As others see us | The

  • To the relief of those who plan to use their SUV for serious hauling, higher load and towing ratings don't necessarily correspond with reduced safety.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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