Cuts always corresponded to sustained booms in investment and government receipts, hikes the opposite.
The pullback in utilities corresponded with the yield on the ten-year Treasury note breaking above 4.4%.
It corresponded to an estimated five-fold increase in trampoline sales during the same period.
That period also corresponded to the run-up before analysts published their first research on the stock.
Though we have corresponded in the decades since, we have never again met in person.
In 1917, 23 February in Russia thus corresponded to 8 March in the other European countries.
Oil prices consolidated in early 2011, which corresponded to the seasonal low in February 2011.
We have corresponded ever since, at least monthly, more often weekly, sometimes several times a day.
The downward seasonal trend in March corresponded to sideways price action before gold turned higher in April.
He was surprised to find that the address he had been given in Paris corresponded to a hotel.
Another customer, Ben Daughdrill, sometimes corresponded with Dugard when he used the printing service for his junk-hauling business.
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Manning has said he corresponded online with someone he believed to be Assange but never confirmed the person's identity.
It seems that in ancient Egypt hieroglyphs were considered magical and divine, and body parts corresponded to hieroglyphic representations.
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George and Coach Ross corresponded back and forth for a week with Budd.
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The song saw Caravel criss-cross London so she could film herself singing the words that corresponded with the street names.
Mr. Quinn, who joined the museum in 1974, never worked with Wilson, who died in 1976, but corresponded with him.
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Theo van Gogh introduced Vincent and Van Rappard, who lived in Brussels, in 1880, and the pair corresponded for four years.
BBC: A new book of Van Gogh's letters is to be published in 2008-9
They corresponded online for a few months, until the man asked Hassan to pay for his ticket to the United States.
He corresponded with freedom fighters throughout Europe, inspiring Poles, Hungarians, Greeks, Spaniards and Portuguese as well as people in South America.
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The book corresponded to one of the best bull markets in history.
Mitchell, from Atlanta, and McArthur of the Miami area, first corresponded online.
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Prior to this increase, the highest income earners paid a fixed dollar amount that roughly corresponded to a prepaid premium for Medicare coverage.
The rules corresponded to a provision passed by Congress in 2010 as part of the Dodd-Frank Act, Section 1504, or the Cardin-Lugar Amendment.
While longer talking time corresponded to more power for male senators, it appeared to have only a neutral correlation for female senators, she says.
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For the rest of the year Mayo corresponded with his wife almost daily, creating a remarkable series of letters that exists to this day.
This corresponded to the key support in the rally from the May 2012 lows and should now be a first key level of resistance.
Plato believed that the first four corresponded to the elements of which the Greeks thought the material world was composed: fire, air, water and earth.
The video appeared genuine and corresponded to other Associated Press reporting.
That should have corresponded with a warmer Pacific but according to Kevin Anchukaitis, another of the observatory's researchers, data from coral suggest it did not.
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The dodecahedron, however, corresponded to quintessence, the element of the heavens.