The second victim could not be traced in order to provide up to date corroboration.
So far as I can tell there is no corroboration from any other student or parent.
He found none of the key witnesses credible and had virtually no independent corroboration on which to rely.
FORBES: Legal Tip: No Such Thing as a One-Person "Partnership"
However, there is no corroboration as to whether any money was actually paid.
Professor Duff added getting rid of corroboration for some crimes only would lead to "first class and second class aquittals".
Rather than relying on the evidence of one person, corroboration was being sought and police were exploring bringing more "victimless prosecutions".
In the case of Tuesday's commotion, Dataminr's computers not only flagged the event but the algorithms noticed quickly that there was no corroboration.
Beyond his location (near Google) and the timing (we expect Google is working on this now) there is no independent corroboration of his information.
"They certainly took information that came from single sources on the yellowcake story and on several other stories with no corroboration at all, " he said.
The hearings come amid a imploding subprime mortgage market, scandalous corroboration between student lenders and university officials, and allegations of unfair practices by credit card companies.
Compelling independent corroboration would come from a spacecraft that can see the burst of gamma-ray radiation expected to accompany the cataclysmic events that produce gravitational waves.
In citing the cell phone record as corroboration, they also disregard Ms. Currie's testimony that she picked up the gifts leaving from work on her way home.
CNN: Transcript: White House Deputy Counsel Mills' statement
Indeed, the Department of Justice urges that its prosecutors seek independent corroboration, either to witnesses or corroborating evidence, of a quality to assure that a guilty verdict is really well founded.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
Unlike other forms of evidence, fingerprints don't require corroboration.
"Having regard to all the circumstances it has been concluded that, in the absence of any corroboration, the available evidence is insufficient to provide a reasonable prospect of obtaining a conviction against any individual".
Here was corroboration of one of the best-known stories in the Hebrew Bible, the liberation by Cyrus of the Jews deported to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar and their return to Jerusalem to build the Second Temple.
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It had also been alleged Mr Sheridan attempted to convince SSP leader Colin Fox to commit perjury but this has been removed from the indictment, the court was told, due to a lack of corroboration.
The Student Loan Lending Industry has been under scrutiny and 11 states Attorney Generals have brought suits in the past regarding unscrupulous admissions practices, and lack of transparency from college admissions departments and evidence of corroboration with lenders to increase profits.
By way of corroboration, Korea Times is reporting the exact same Galaxy Tab 3 rumor and has also quoted an anonymous Intel employee who claimed that the number of Atom engineers based in Korea has ballooned from six last year to as many as 50 personnel today.
Peter Duff, a professor of criminal justice at the University of Aberdeen, told the committee he agreed with Lord Carloway that corroboration "could go" and stressed there were a number of "corroboration fiddles" used to get round the law and there was a lack of clarity in this "very complex area of law".
We have received sanctimonious lectures from the other side of the aisle about the rule of law, but the law does not permit perjury to be proved by the uncorroborated testimony of one witness nor does the law recognizes corroboration, the fact that the witness made the same statement to several different people.