Of all forms of power, moral power may be the most seductive and corrupting.
It handled its drops with no issues at all, not crashing and not corrupting any data.
ENGADGET: Durable faceoff and torture test: Panasonic's Toughbook 30 vs. GammaTech's Durabook D15RP
Excerpt: Gladstone thought that Irish violence and English reaction to it was corrupting the whole polity.
Mballa said Fecafoot would not hesitate to severely punish anyone involved in corrupting match officials.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Cameroon referees cry for help
Norris was more of an Irish Diogenes than a Plato, to cite, again, those wild, corrupting Greeks.
For one thing, the fear that art is compromising and even corrupting is as old as art itself.
"The awarding of earmarks to private companies is the single most corrupting element of this practice, " he said.
The program made news, and critics accused Thiel of corrupting youth into chasing riches while truncating their educations.
By corrupting DNS servers, hackers could invisibly redirect users to look-alike sites designed to steal banking passwords or other sensitive information.
For six decades, people have been wringing their hands with worry, echoing panics about the corrupting influence of comic books and rock music.
Although he believes that fame tends to be "very corrupting, " he is comfortable as a public figure and as the personification of the company he built.
Such, indeed, is the tendency to such a coalition, and such its corrupting influence on both the parties, that the danger cannot be too carefully guarded against.
As the founder of Broadband Research LLC, Kinnucan was accused of insider trading by corrupting employees at public companies to divulge corporate secrets, which he in turn passed to hedge fund managers.
The scandalous voice mail hacking, the allegations of corrupting police, the closure of the News of the World, clearly these all have their effects on the Murdoch empire that is News International.
As alleged, by cultivating and corrupting a doctor with access to secret drug data, Mathew Martoma and his hedge fund benefited from what might be the most lucrative inside tip of all time.
Once in, he began perusing the database of 1, 100 Texas Auto Center customers with the device installed, first targeting specific customers but then going down the list corrupting records, setting off car horns, and disabling cars.
FORBES: Bad Password Management Will Stop You in Your Tracks
Hacking, sabotage, espionage and other forms of cyber-warfare are genuine dangers, and billions of dollars have been spent over the last few decades to secure government and corporate information against bad guys usurping or corrupting it.
FORBES: The Evil Twin: Learning From Insider Security Threats
In May, 2009, the Mexican attorney general called the group the most dangerous cartel in the country, citing its exceptional cruelty, its success at corrupting officials, and its leading role in the production of synthetic drugs.
For starters, there are the usual legions are Rupert Murdoch haters who believe the Australian-born media mogul is a pernicious influence on the culture, corrupting politics via Fox News and cheapening once-noble institutions like The Wall Street Journal.
Money is corrupting our democracy.
CNN: Edwards' October 13, 2007, speech on restoring democracy
Tax reform promises to improve the opportunities of all while sponsoring less tax evasion, less distortion of investment priorities and less politically corrupting pursuit of loopholes, all of which are the certain and inevitable corollary of high tax rates enacted to salve inequality neuralgia.
"The Hobbit" is a brilliantly constructed story, unfolding themes that remain all too relevant to the modern world: the nature of evil, the significance of human choice, the corrupting power of greed and the ease with which good people can be drawn into destructive conflict.
He is a defendant in three trials: one on charges of embezzlement, tax-dodging and false accounting, one in which he stands accused of paying an under-age prostitute and one for alleged bribery. (He denies all the charges.) The third, in which he is accused of corrupting his former legal adviser, David Mills, is the one he is said to fear most.