Less cosmological but no less fascinating, are the "latte stones" spread all over the island.
During the following years they were an observational cornerstone in the cosmological debate.
New data from the Planck satellite suggests very good news for proponents of the standard Big Bang cosmological model of the universe.
FORBES: Cosmic Inflation Model Gets A Boost From Planck Data
That way, they could decide which of several cosmological theories, each of which now seems equally plausible, was best supported by the evidence.
If Dr Burgess is right, vacuum energy and dark energy are the same thing, a cosmological constant, and w is exactly equal to -1.
He then designed Baghdad according to a cosmological plan, with his own celestially-domed palace located, as it were, at the centre of the then known universe.
Their role was spiritual or supernatural -- to mediate between the cosmological forces: the sky, the earth and the world, each of which is represented by a god.
Thus, Einstein introduced his cosmological constant as an ad hoc factor in his equations, in order to conform with observational cosmology of the era which called for a static universe.
Annis says, at the moment, one of the most attractive ideas to explain away dark energy is that on cosmological scales of a tenth of the size of the observable universe or more.
Dark matter at these huge, cosmological scales is only one part of the story, however, and Sukanya Chakrabarti of Florida Atlantic University presented work showing how the "dark matter halo" that surrounds individual galaxies can be characterised.
The world lines modeled the cosmological arrow.
FORBES: University of Maryland Researchers Build a Big Bang In Their Lab
The more precisely w comes to look like -1, the more enthusiasm there will be for cosmological constant theories, which require that value, and the less enthusiasm there will be for fifth forces and modified gravity, part of the charm of which is that they can work with other values.