"They are beloved by this community, " City Councilor at Large Ayanna Pressley told the Globe.
Once the case arrived to CADE, it was given to councilor Carlos Ragazzo to lead.
On Wednesday, the governor's councilor, Edward O'Brien, took issue with Swift leading a conference call by speakerphone.
"I see more high-end restaurants are coming in that neighborhood, " said Sidney Lee, district councilor from Centre Street.
Local councilor Roberto Lecumberri said that there was a great deal of pride among locals about the turbines.
Apostol was a former town councilor who co-hosted a weekly radio programme about issues of concern to indigenous people and science.
Mr. ANDY DEVALPINE (City Councilor, Dillingham, Alaska): The City Council, I guess, I see them as, well, useful in a broad sense.
John Curley, a Timmins town councilor and former board member at the center, says it was a tough decision to sell the site.
WSJ: Shania Twain's Hometown Blues as Timmins, Canada, Center Nears Demolition
Alliance Party councilor Linda Cleland said the windows of her car were smashed and several windows in her home broken over the weekend.
Residents are out of patience, said Ostend town councilor Martine Lesaffre.
Twelve years later, the fiery former city councilor rode a conservative backlash to City Hall, after initiatives like downtown bike lanes were seen by suburbanites as wasteful, elitist intrusions.
Kathy Siu, the district councilor who has been the driving force behind the Pound Lane plan, said it would help ease automotive traffic and make life easier for the elderly.
He's now a city councilor in Joplin, and he joins us from Joplin to talk about his experience two years ago and how it might inform the task ahead for Moore, Oklahoma.
NPR: Two Years Later, Joplin Mayor Reflects On Impact Of Tornado
Dipu Ahad, a Labor councilor in the city and a leader of Newcastle Unites, told CNN the EDL were "opportunists" who were making use of anger over the killing to push their message.
Kerry and the Chinese foreign policy chief, State Councilor Yang Jiechi, said the two nations would work together to create a nuclear-free Korean peninsula, effectively forcing North Korea to give up its arsenal.
Last week a group of prominent businessmen, led by Prachai Leophairatana of the Thai Petroleum Industry company, met with retired general Prem Tinsulanond, a revered privy councilor to the King who was premier through most of the 1980s.
He's now a city councilor there.
NPR: Two Years Later, Joplin Mayor Reflects On Impact Of Tornado
After meetings in Beijing, Mr. Kerry and China's top foreign policy official, State Councilor Yang Jiechi, said they would work together to persuade Pyongyang to return to an international diplomatic process, called the six-party talks, which has sought unsuccessfully over the past decade to curtail North Korea's nuclear program.