This finding is counter-intuitive, but has been replicated countless times in a variety of contexts.
The results turned out to be in many ways surprising, and almost counter-intuitive.
The central problem, as the authors admit, is that numbers can often be deeply counter-intuitive.
This finding was unexpected and appears counter-intuitive at first, but can be explained by reconstitution.
But his need for boundary pushing, counter-intuitive ideas simply leads him to arrogant generalizations.
They suggest redressing that, and offer counter-intuitive prescriptions that flow from that accounting change.
That discussion is also characterized by employee stock ownership, a counter-intuitive context for failure.
The rising in value part of this equation has always struck me as counter-intuitive.
FORBES: One of the Most Profitable Strategies in Bond Investing
And the great thing about Andrew, we never knew - Andrew had these amazing counter-intuitive skills.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: To the Rescue: The New Media & National Security
In the long run, and this seems counter-intuitive, this exodus could actually help Zynga.
FORBES: Zynga Loses CTO of Infrastructure as Executive Exodus Continues
Metamaterials can and have been designed and made to possess certain properties, even counter-intuitive ones.
His articles are sometimes pure comedy for its own sake, but often include counter-intuitive and searing insight.
"It does seem sort of counter-intuitive, " said Dr. Proudman, who is also a race course adviser at Aintree.
Could it be a role as counter-intuitive as the software quality assurance engineer, as revealed by Careerbliss?
FORBES: Who Are The Happiest Workers in America (And Who Is Getting Happier)?
After all the number crunching was done, the counter-intuitive finding is that the weather did not affect life satisfaction.
FORBES: Make Your Own Sunshine: Weather And Happiness Are Not Linked
Psychologists Nicole Mead and Jon Maner ran a series of experiments to unpick this counter-intuitive tendency.
Sometimes this leads to counter-intuitive behaviour, such as consumers preferring a flat all-you-can-eat fee when pay-as-you-go would be cheaper.
As counter-intuitive as it may seem, cheating can sometimes be good for you.
For this very reason, a sound China strategy may seem counter-intuitive to people who are not familiar with Chinese culture.
For some people, the idea that delighting customers is more profitable than a direct attack on making money is counter-intuitive.
Economists have usually explained poor people's counter-intuitive disdain for something that might make them better off by invoking income mobility.
ECONOMIST: The poor like taxing the rich less than you would think
The objective of insider trading laws is counter-intuitive: prevent people from using and markets from adjusting to the most accurate and timely information.
However, counter-intuitive to the expectations set on the desktop, Flash was missing.
As counter-intuitive as it seems, the best security software is open source.
FORBES: Dear President Obama, Glad You Won, But Can We Fix The Voting Machines Before 2016?
But Ezlogin's navigation is counter-intuitive and the huge amount of dynamically generated content each page attempts to call slows the service down considerably.
Actually, and this sounds very counter-intuitive, you can probably measure national economic progress more by the jobs destroyed, than by the jobs created.
The book is full of beautiful, counter-intuitive, simple, clear nuggets like this, which are guaranteed to make you rethink how you run your business.
Though that seemed counter-intuitive at the time, Google focused on letting people use its search tool without the diversion of ads, and for free.
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It seems counter-intuitive, but job losses through creative destruction are probably a better indicator of a rising standard of living over time than job gains.
To reach these counter-intuitive conclusions, Bendersky and Shah ran two experiments.
FORBES: Leadership Tip: Hire the Quiet Neurotic, Not the Impressive Extrovert