With manned aircraft, carriers are not a cost-effective way to counter insurgents and terrorists, and will face budget cuts in order to fund other, less costly sources of airpower.
CSP's specific interest in this case is on behalf of policy and national security professionals who call upon CSP to assist in crafting policy initiatives and other tools to counter the threat from Islamic terrorists who would exploit the federal government's failure to defend our borders.
Damascus has many more shared interests, however, with tyrannies and terrorists dedicated to the destruction of America's democratic way of life, which runs counter not only to what those tyrannies and terrorists do, but what they are.
The National Counter Terrorism Center also watches for terrorists.
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An unmanned aircraft like N-UCAS solves both these problems at once, providing a cost-effective capability that allows the carriers to find and attack terrorists and insurgents, and also to counter cruise and ballistic missile threats from a survivable distance.
Iraq's government is portraying the counter-insurgency as Iraq's patriots versus foreign-sponsored terrorists, not Americans versus a nationalist resistance to occupation.
Meanwhile, instead of serving as a tool to counter terrorism, Guantanamo became a symbol that helped al Qaeda recruit terrorists to its cause.
And some LOST member states, including Communist China, insist that the treaty prohibits President Bush's Proliferation Security Initiative - a vital "coalition of the willing" effort to counter the sea-borne spread of weapons of mass destruction to terrorists and their state-sponsors.
Counter-terrorism officers say muscular powers of arrest enable them to disrupt terrorists' networks and their plans to attack, even when there is insufficient evidence to convict them.
These include closer co-operation between national intelligence agencies, the creation of an EU counter-terrorism chief, and measures that make it easier to trace terrorists who use mobile phones and e-mail.
There is no question that fighting terrorists abroad has helped make more manageable the task of having to counter them here at home.
For one thing those on the front line in counter-terrorism warn that it risks cutting off vital local intelligence and serving as a recruiting sergeant for terrorists.
He may also have been facilitating communications between the detainees and perhaps fellow terrorists still at large in ways that could undermine U.S. efforts to interrogate the former and counter the latter.