David Rodriguez, one of the Army's top experts on counterinsurgency, will run day-to-day operations.
Both have previous experience in Afghanistan and more history with counterinsurgency operations than McKiernan.
Petraeus crafted the Army counterinsurgency strategy and led the surge of U.S. forces into Iraq in 2007.
Consideration also should be given to leasing C-12 twin-engine aircraft outfitted for maritime patrol and counterinsurgency surveillance.
Throughout his presidential campaign, Mr. Obama excoriated Mr. Bush's counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq, insisting it could not succeed.
Even in his own counterinsurgency manual he indicates a host nation has to win it on its own.
Counterinsurgency wars over the past century of modern warfare have been extensively inventoried, studied, analyzed, evaluated, and judged.
FORBES: Bad News For The Establishment: Counterinsurgenices Are Unwinnable
That strategy has gone from "straightforward counterterrorism to more complex counterinsurgency, " Brown said.
"Steadfast" in this context means sticking with, and enhancing, a serious counterinsurgency strategy.
It's not yet clear whether the new emphasis on counterinsurgency can reverse the effects of years of that approach.
Dorner, who retired from the Navy Reserve on February 1, was trained in counterinsurgency and intelligence, the source said.
Stanley McChrystal, has asked for thousands more troops to continue his counterinsurgency strategy.
Stanley McChrystal, the top commander in Afghanistan, who reportedly called for 40, 000 more troops to carry out a counterinsurgency strategy.
"If this is a counterinsurgency effort, maybe we shouldn't be sending more brigades, maybe we should be withdrawing brigades, " says Fick.
This is a dramatic shift in tactics since April 2003, when the U.S. military had no rulebook for fighting counterinsurgency warfare.
Others, especially McChrystal, are advocating a broader counterinsurgency approach that would require a much larger U.S. military footprint in the country.
CNN: Obama adviser: Afghanistan in no immediate danger of falling
"What separates successful counterinsurgency from unsuccessful counterinsurgency is that it is won on the ground, and not in the air, " Brown said.
McMaster, an expert on counterinsurgency, who also led Petraeus' Iraq policy review.
Dorner, who retired from the Navy Reserve on February 1 as a lieutenant, was trained in counterinsurgency and intelligence, the source said.
He is considered a leading military counterinsurgency scholar, and has tried to put those tactics to work in Baghdad and its surrounding provinces.
More than two years into a potent counterinsurgency effort, General Keane says, commanders still have big gaps in their understanding in the insurgency.
Counterinsurgency operations place a premium on different weaponry and tactics than would conflicts with what are now euphemistically called "peer" or "near-peer" competitors.
They should be dumping counterinsurgency doctrine, returning to conventional warfare doctrine, and developing realistic new paradigms to address genuine threats to Americans.
FORBES: Bad News For The Establishment: Counterinsurgenices Are Unwinnable
One lesson is key: It is possible to win all the battles and still lose the war, a basic truth in any counterinsurgency campaign.
Many of the military and intelligence personnel who had been assigned to the weapons search are now working on counterinsurgency matters, the official said.
Most of the French soldiers have seen at least one tour there, and they privately wonder if Mali won't be their own counterinsurgency without end.
The military uses computer games for everything from teaching squad tactics and treating PTSD to speaking conversational Pashto and how to conduct a counterinsurgency campaign.
FORBES: Religious Computer Game Brings Wrath Down on Pentagon
Mr. SPIEGEL: Well, the most mentioned name is - on this counterinsurgency side - is Lieutenant General David Petraeus, and some of your listeners may recognize that name.
It is not difficult to imagine a situation where there is extended Libyan resistance to the occupying force followed by international condemnation of the counterinsurgency effort.
McChrystal and others explained their counterinsurgency strategy and answered questions about how additional troops might change the mission and where those additional numbers might be found.
CNN: Gates leaning towards more troops for Afghanistan, sources say