Low-lying islands and other countries that are probable victims want compensation and technology transfers.
This global network comprises of more than 10 000 educational institutions in 181 countries today.
Studies have shown that chronic lateness has cost countries such as Ecuador billions per year.
The international community needs to do more to support countries through this often difficult process.
Post-Copenhagen greens need to reassess their relations with people in the developed countries as well.
In too many countries, political leaders manipulate the process to deny their citizens a proper voice.
Logitech, the Logitech logo, and other Logitech marks are registered in Switzerland and other countries.
In response some countries such as India and Japan have created women-only subway cars.
Only half of all countries have achieved the most watched goal of universal primary enrolment.
There are a few countries that do not require visas for travel to Russia.
School Principals in many developing countries receive little, if any, leadership and development training.
In brief, The Economist misinterprets the resistance of developing countries to a new round.
Although levels of such "instrumental lying" were high in both countries, they were highest in China.
France has lowered taxes as well, while Italy and other countries reigned in their budget deficits.
We change environments, change countries and jobs, change homes, but our essence is immutable.
It could create a groundswell of economic incentive for countries to do the right thing.
The answer lies in the way Ethical Traveler evaluates countries for its top 10 list.
They prevailed over mainly Mediterranean countries, which were fighting to protect the interests of their fishermen.
Exchange rate risk is rising, creating greater obstacles to foreign investment flows into the emerging-market countries.
Recently, however, demand for molybdenum had increased in countries such as India and China.
Denmark, Sweden and Norway are examples of countries with a small population that are doing well.
The prize gives special consideration to the promotion of mother-tongue languages in developing countries.
An award-winning journalist, he has managed media projects in over 45 countries in transition since 1992.
In the 1970s and early 1980s Kodak all but ignored prospects in developing countries.
Diplomatic and trade relations between the two countries now ride on the fate of the extradition bill.
In some countries if not in all, organic farms tend to be smaller than their conventional neighbours.
Though elected by voters in their respective countries, Euro legislators are largely impotent, and Brussels knows it.
Legislation in the 15 Commonwealth countries where the Queen is head of state would also need amending.
Before the cold war ended, only three small African countries were proper democracies: Botswana, Mauritius and Senegal.
U. has agreed to negotiate with individual countries, rather than with the Andean Community as a bloc.