Mr Blair's advisers have begun to muse that any cut might be counter-productive, claiming that it would be resented and have serious consequences for countrypubs.
Dave Bott, from Titanic brewery, said the company was not renowned for running countrypubs but had decided to take the Hollybush on after seeing the enthusiasm of local people.
As I wrote in an earlier blog, rising beer prices were claimed to be a factor behind last year's closures of up to 10, 000 pubs throughout the country.
If we make an exception in this case, it would set a precedent and we would have pubs up and down the country demanding the right to be able to serve their drinks in half-litres and litres.
The Odeon cinema chain will show the game live at 11 venues around the country, including at their flagship cinema at Leicester Square, but the match will not be available in pubs.