While some Romans retreat to the countryside on Easter, the city remains festive and crowded.
However you make it to the summit, revel in the panoramic views across the verdant Surrey countryside.
Up to 10, 000 new homes could be built in Sussex countryside 10 miles north of Brighton.
On his honeymoon in 1833, William Henry Fox Talbot struggled to sketch the Italian countryside.
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On Saturday, muddy floodwaters stood several feet deep in the countryside surrounding the metro area.
The Countryside Alliance says plans to bring fast broadband to rural areas have stalled.
My husband and I just took a two-week road trip and discovered some beautiful countryside.
His book exudes inexorable charm, capturing the English countryside in its most profoundly preindustrial days.
Other solutions are infinitely preferable - solutions that do not compromise unique and beautiful countryside.
Police said hikers found the body in countryside just outside the resort on Thursday evening.
They have attracted opposition from some residents who are unhappy about the panels replacing countryside.
Ex-poet laureate Sir Andrew Motion said "townies in the countryside" were "gutting" rural communities.
Both parties' heartlands are largely to be found in prosperous suburbs and the countryside.
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Built around 1751, it needed a lot of work, but was nestled in beautiful countryside.
Mr Woods used to work for the Countryside Council of Wales, now Natural Resources Wales.
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The study echoes others which have linked health to the countryside and urban parks.
One thing that is certain is that people in the countryside will be watching closely.
The proposed turbines on Wood Lane, Birkin, would stretch for two miles across open countryside.
If the Government wants people to come back to the countryside, please don't send confusing messages.
It was a club of English Alvis owners on a ramble through the countryside.
Further research needed to establish likelihood of transmissibility of disease by public access to the countryside.
Print titles have little influence in the countryside because of high levels of illiteracy.
But even critics of the government say the countryside will not recover until foot-and-mouth is beaten.
Like many families they moved from the countryside to Dhaka in the hope of finding work.
He called for rural diversification to contribute to "the character and tranquillity of the countryside".
Tourism and agriculture have always counted for more in the countryside and on the coasts.
Instead they referred us to the umbrella group for field sports - the Countryside Alliance.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Frustrations of hunter and hunted
MSPs are also expected to discuss the impact of wind farms on the countryside.
But the little bit of countryside I did see was stunning in its beauty.
The countryside around Thurso, mainly occupied by sheep, also features some outlandishly large metal sheds.