Hasse was shot to death in broad daylight outside the county courthouse on January 30.
But crossing the parking lot outside the county courthouse, Petrov found himself thinking of a cooling swim.
Shackled around his wrists and ankles, Holmes was escorted into Arapahoe County Courthouse by two sheriffs deputies.
At the county courthouse, he found Bridey with her sneakered feet up on a heavy wooden table.
One afternoon in September, I went to the Madison County Courthouse, in downtown Huntsville, to watch Bishop plead guilty.
She said the prosecutor told her he began carrying a gun in and out of the county courthouse daily.
With its working bell tower, the Centre County Courthouse, built in 1805, looks like a throwback to simpler times.
In April, I travelled to Inez, a town in eastern Kentucky, where McCain was scheduled to speak at the county courthouse.
Right smack dab on the town square stands an absolutely gorgeous county courthouse that is no doubt as old as Texas itself.
He is scheduled for a hearing Monday morning at Cumberland County Courthouse, according to Stephen McClausland, spokesman for the Maine State Police.
The man entered the lobby of at the New Castle County Courthouse around 8 a.m. and began shooting, said State Police Sgt.
And when Les was a teenager, the family went to the county courthouse together, raised their hands and became proud American citizens.
Their lawsuit was filed six months later, after they went to the Alameda County courthouse for a marriage license and were predictably refused.
Scurrilous allegations lace filings in the case, waged for nearly a year out of public notice at the Lincoln County Courthouse in Carrizozo, 150 miles from Albuquerque.
The stars later took the stage in front of the Lackawanna County Courthouse and played a concert with The Scrantones, the band that performed the show's theme song.
The county courthouse was evacuated and closed after the shooting.
Brown gave his decision to The Associated Press at the downtown Los Angeles County courthouse after a meeting with District Attorney Jackie Lacey, who had recommended that Davis not be paroled.
After sifting through his mail while eating a late lunch, Hull would sit under a shade tree on the front lawn of the Smith County Courthouse and talk with the checkers players.
CNN: Excerpt: 'The Prince of Tennessee: The Rise of Al Gore'
Kern's main library was housed in the basement of the county courthouse in Bakersfield, in quarters so cramped that some of its materials were buried beneath old lighting fixtures, furniture, and other bric-a-brac.
Mark Hasse, chief felony prosecutor in the county, was gunned down January 31 outside the courthouse.
"The charges on which the court found cause included first-degree murder, " Arapahoe County District Attorney Carol Chambers told reporters outside the courthouse.
Those killings happened a couple of months after one of the county's assistant district attorneys was killed near his courthouse office.
Giddings, Lee's county seat, is the kind of place where the courthouse bell tower rings every hour and the most important event in the world is Friday night's high school football game.
The slayings came less than two weeks after Colorado's prison chief was shot to death at his front door, apparently by an ex-convict, and a couple of months after Kaufman County Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse was killed in a parking lot a block from his courthouse office.
During deliberations, which capped a five-day trial in Sauk County Circuit Court, dozens of farmers, food-rights activists and Hershberger family members filled the courthouse, sharing raw milk from Mr. Hershberger's farm.