So that dynastic principle was invoked with regard to the prophet's cousin and son-in-law, Ali.
NPR: Early Divisions at Root of Sunni-Shia Conflict
Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, was the first imam.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Nuclear Iran: The Case for Action
The dead soldier's brothers, father-in-law and cousin have all served with the Royal Irish Regiment.
BBC: Banbridge soldier L/Cpl Stephen McKee tributes paid
Asselin was walking by himself for the most part during the week, but on weekends people would join him -- his wife, his daughter, a cousin, his sister-in-law, other supporters.
CNN: A walk to pound grief into the ground
"They hear that their sister-in-law's cousin can do it, so they hire him, " he said.
CNN: Is the e-commerce boom fueling security holes?
If you have a funeral to attend, you need to have Friday off and you are deemed to have a funeral when the dead person is a parent, a sibling, a child, a spouse or partner, an in-law, a grand-parent, a cousin, an aunt, an uncle, a friend, a classmate, a nephew, a niece, a boss, someone you go to church with, a workmate, a neighbour and of course, a president.
BBC: African viewpoint: A three-day week for Ghana?