His act was not an honorable one of making them whole, it was a dishonorable cover-up.
Decorating is important too, although no amount of frosting will cover-up marginal ingredients or careless baking.
Democratic Party Chairman Terry McAuliffe went so far as to accuse the administration of a cover-up.
Mr Fraser had also been accused of an attempted cover-up, after the alleged murder.
The calls led to Chief Minister Peter Harwood denying that a cover-up had been made.
Thus, prosecutors allege a cover-up of a crime that may never have been committed.
However, Mr McCartney's sister, Paula, said that in her opinion the situation "stinks of a cover-up".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Party politics warning to sisters
The resulting scandal (and cover-up, according to Ms Betancourt) dominated political life in the mid-1990s.
Yet this sanguine view is not shared by many Turks, who accuse the government of a cover-up.
He said he believes there might be a grain of truth to Dorner's allegations of a cover-up.
Biblical scholars and clergy say there's no evidence of a cover-up or conspiracy to suppress those ideas.
"There is ample evidence of a cover-up regarding the destruction of the tapes, " Romero said in a statement.
Do her many international moves and spotty employment details read like the perfect cover-up for a deep-cover spy?
It would not be the first time that an attempted cover-up had graver consequences than the original charges.
But those warnings were ignored by senior management in London in what the regulator called a "staggering cover-up".
However, Ms Casey claims the network engaged in efforts to "conceal and cover-up" animal safety violations while filming.
Was this bit of theater actually a part of the real cover-up, namely that apparently perpetrated by Dennis Kloske?
"Instead he took part in a cover-up of Smyth's crimes and swore his child victims to secrecy, " he said.
The agency has been accused of a cover-up after a bungled attempt to put out the fire at Tokaimura.
"It was not a culture of cover-up", former NoW legal manager Tom Crone told the inquiry on Wednesday.
So given the lapse since the earlier warning signs, Democrats are charging cover-up.
For the hardcore believer of conspiracies and government cover-up, Witness is a good read, competently and even entertainingly written.
The fear of families that there would be a huge cover-up, and lurid headlines from newspapers was borne out.
They blame Ramon Saadi for the cover-up of her murder, and are outraged at Mr Menem's support for him.
Previously a coroner had said sensitive evidence made an inquest impossible, but Ms Alexander accused police of a cover-up.
It will look at whether there was a criminal cover-up of police failings.
This Year of the Seven brings the newest literary entry: Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the 60-Year Cover-up, by Thomas J.
As well as "deception and cover-up", he told Mr Johnson there had also been "ineptitude and irresponsible lack of professionalism".
The IPCC is looking at whether there was a criminal cover-up by South Yorkshire Police of failings by the force.
Before this news broke and in an apparent cover-up, she told the paper that her then-husband had been the father.
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