The trench itself is just visible from the gates, covered with a windowed white tent.
In a grubby room covered with mould, she fields phone calls from prospective brides and grooms.
There's a wall covered with brochures on trading, saving for college and opening an account.
Our lane is 400m long and is completely covered with six to eight foot snowdrifts.
They sport silver-pink "branches, " made from twisted steel, and are covered with flowering climber plants.
The shot, which shows his screen covered with fingerprints and swipe marks, now adorns his website.
She also unveiled a plaque, covered with an animal feed bag, to mark the official opening.
Georgia has a broken tail, and her legs and snout are covered with scars.
He noticed Roosevelt's legs were not covered with a blanket, as was the usual pose.
Mr. Ware's leg was covered with a towel when he was carried off the court.
Zaak stares accusingly at her sandaled feet, which are now covered with fine brown sand.
Now even console games come with controllers covered with complex buttons, triggers and built-in joysticks.
Sooner or later the music stops, but at least my walls stay covered with exciting pictures.
FORBES: What $100 Got You In 1954: Lessons In Art And Growth Stocks
It is particularly hard to coat spheres or objects covered with textured surfaces this way.
When the shaking stopped, Wei found himself in an air pocket, covered with rubble.
But what remains of it will still be covered with flowers in the spring.
The head is covered with a cap of the same colour as the tunic.
The route to Brussels was better covered with half of the trains running there.
But much of the harbour has been filled in and covered with blocks of unsold flats.
The body is covered with flowers and a cappella chants are performed around it.
This area at one time was almost totally covered with vineyards I've been told.
Geckos' feet are covered with microscopic hair-like projections that stick electrostatically to anything they touch.
Despite their proximity, Pluto and Charon are covered with bright frosts of differing compositions.
Terrance McWilliams sat at a conference table that's covered with hundreds of his medals.
The floor is covered with slate lids where they have been sealed to let the wines age.
And you don't want to attend your next business meeting in a suit covered with pet hair.
My desk is covered with cards from mums saying 'I'm so proud of myself for doing it'.
If such heaters were covered with thermoelectric generators the sun's rays could be put to sequential use.
It is a valley surrounded by mountains many of which are always covered with clean white snow.
Officers fear dozens of baby bottles covered with the same plastic stones could also be in circulation.