Now at 17, she has recently been appointed as an agent in the Covert Operations Division.
But approaching photography like a covert operation is not the most ethical way to get a great shot.
Other covert horticulturalists have even inspired local residents to get involved in the greening.
CNN: Guerrilla gardeners green their city on secret moonlit missions
In 1989 South Africa made the strategic decision to dismantle its covert nuclear weapons program.
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When Bains was arrested he was wearing a black watch that contained a covert recording device.
Once the malware infects the computer it generates a covert channel back to the cybercriminal.
FORBES: To Stop Cybercrime: Understand Crime Logic, And Adapt
"Just Say No: The Case Against Covert Action, " The Nation, March 21, 1987, p. 363.
Without IOR, QE3, and its covert preemptive bailout of the banking system, would not be feasible.
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"In reality there are few circumstances in which covert monitoring is justified, " he said.
Can we then infer that this was a covert CIA operation without U.S. military involvement?
The fact that counterterrorism operations are covert makes them difficult for politicians to discuss.
"At the time that picture came out, my covert status was long gone, " she testified.
Scotland Yard has admitted giving MPs inaccurate information by denying "covert officers" were deployed.
Yet Mr Bellasi's account of covert operations is not beyond the bounds of credibility.
This, the critics say, is the covert creation of national champions by the state.
Usually, it is only the Delta and Seal teams that get to do covert ops.
"The technologies might be current, but the ideas behind Google Music are tired, " Covert wrote.
During the nineteen-seventies, it seemed as though this era of covert action were coming to an end.
And those leaks are what looks like the outing of a covert agent, violating a 1982 law.
Twombly decision in 2007 made it much harder for class-action lawyers to sue over such covert behavior.
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Plame Wilson rejected claims that her role at the CIA not covert when her identity was leaked.
Those scenes were interspersed to "bring home the real stakes" for the covert operatives, says Mr. Boal.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Mark Boal: The Art and Politics of 'Zero Dark Thirty'
But HP drew headlines for news of the covert operation led by the HP board's chairman, Patricia Dunn.
Paradoxically, if nuclear warfare represented the highest level of warfare, there developed at the lowest level covert operations.
He is not charged with deliberately disclosing the name of a covert agent, which is a federal offense.
Mrs Philpott was also asked about covert recordings in which her husband talked of "sticking with the story".
BBC: Derby fire deaths: 'Possible' that Mick Philpott set fire
Bedfordshire Police were told of the French drug haul and began a covert investigation into the Evans's affairs.
BBC: George Evans jailed for drug dealing and money laundering
Maliki declared that Iraq was not willing to be a staging ground for covert operations against other countries.
It also plans to repair and refurbish a 19th Century outhouse and covert it into a visitor centre.
He has worked for the UK government and consults on issues including cybersecurity, covert communications and forensic computing.