Far from cowering in their inner-city enclaves, black and Asian Britons are racing to the suburbs.
Hugh O'Brien-Quinn, prosecuting, said Parkes' wife Jane lay cowering in the undergrowth with the family's dog.
If you're lucky, you may spot the odd Sony, Motorola and HTC phones cowering in a corner.
ENGADGET: Editorial: HTC's departure from South Korea proves a tough fight for foreign brands
However, instead of cowering in anticipation of the popping, I think the smart move is to buy.
But many of the delegates spent their time cowering in the conference centre.
ECONOMIST: The rioters did make the leaders look more remote
The alternative, cowering behind a very tall podium, is really not preferable.
The video shows King cowering on the ground and attempting to crawl away as he is surrounded by a crowd of police officers.
The 15-year-old was cowering in a corner next to some shelves.
People crowded inside their damaged house, the youngest cowering in fear.
But when Italian troops stormed the offices of Muqtada al-Sadr, the most prominent Shia advocate of rebellion, in Nasiriya, farther south, they found a British contractor cowering inside.
ECONOMIST: Most Iraqis want peace, but it takes only a few to make war
Mzee, our 130 year old tortoise, just happened to be nearby and he was very surprised by Owen's odd behavior cowering behind him as a baby hippo does to its mother.
Expect your adrenaline levels to rocket and, in the warm, thin air, you will realise that cowering in front of an oncoming silverback is not something you could ever get used to.
"One minute Bale's Patrick is a cowering corporate geek and self-described empty shell, the next an arrogant, name-dropping smoothie, the next a hysterical wimp unable to distinguish reality from fantasy, " it said.
Among those left cowering in the basement as American commandos hunted the bombers was Norway's foreign minister, Jonas Gahr Stoere, who had been holding a meeting in a place seen as secure.
The first medical smell I encountered was one many years before I started training when as a young child I was cowering behind my Mum at the clinic waiting for my vaccinations.
Next time you are outside, cowering under a parka, your toes going numb, imagine strutting in a bathing suit with those toes in the sand, along warm, bright blue waters beckoning you to take a relaxing float.
But like cowering children, the public continues to support those representatives bought and paid for by Wall Street dollars and even worse, continue to entrust their wealth into the hands of those who hold them in such low regard.
And while it used to require a certain set of characteristics to thrive as a bully, the internet makes it simple for almost anyone to graduate from cowering weakling to kicking virtual sand in the face of friends and strangers in no time.
Educationalists have spoken of the need to make schools safer, with metal detectors, security guards and conveniently placed cell phones (one Columbine student, cowering under a desk, failed to get through to the police but managed to use his cell phone to talk to a television station).