Craig Venter, are taking a more far-out approach: building highly efficient organisms from scratch.
The bookies' favourite had been A Life Decoded, the autobiography of genetics pioneer Craig Venter.
Others like Craig Venter and Bob Langer keep advancing the industry by relentlessly pushing its technological frontier.
Craig Venter gave a presentation on a new approach to gene sequencing at a conference in Bilbao, Spain.
By having his entire genome sequenced, Craig Venter has done something likely to get him into the textbooks--again.
Craig Venter tied (some say beat) the mighty U.S. government in the race to sequence the human genome.
In a virtual tie with private efforts by gene maverick Craig Venter, the race was finally finished in 2001.
As Craig Venter's Celera Genomics caught fire, Millennium looked like a more business-focused venture, with a clearer plan to profit.
Craig Venter, the brash gene-mapper, and James Watson, who discovered DNA's structure, have gotten to look straight at their entire DNA code.
Just a few years later Craig Venter started making headlines for his gene-sequencing work--giving biotechnology a lofty place alongside the dot-com boom.
Craig Venter that could snare potential disease-causing genes far faster than before.
Craig Venter, the biologist-entrepreneur who is hoping to create bioengineered bacteria that can generate food and fuel for an increasingly crowded planet.
The team led by Dan Gibson and Craig Venter have exploited the ability of yeast to join together small pieces of DNA using enzymes.
In particular, Craig Venter, Sir John's rival from the private sector, could yet be given a prize for the technique known as whole-genome shotgunning.
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So far, the example that has gotten the most attention is Craig Venter's effort to sequence ocean microbes from the deck of his 100-foot sailboat.
Craig Venter, who led the privately financed version of the Human Genome Project, is trying it too, through his latest venture, Synthetic Genomics, in San Diego.
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Gene Payoff Sometime later this year Craig Venter, the grandstanding gene hunter at Celera Genomics, will announce that he has sequenced all 23 pairs of human chromosomes.
This was a round-the-world cruise taken by Craig Venter on his yacht, Sorcerer II, which studied the diversity of micro-organisms in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.
He's written a crackling good book that examines the lives of, among others, Christopher Columbus, Andrew Carnegie and human-genome entrepreneur Craig Venter, and Hollywood's Selznick and Mayer families.
Craig Venter, who heads the private company Celera Genomics, concurred.
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Genomics researcher Craig Venter just announced that he and a team at his eponymous institute have created a genetic code synthetically and inserted it into a bacterium called Mycoplasma capricolum.
Craig Venter Institute -- that's all of the microbes that live inside him -- to see what insights can be gleaned from the addition of that data to the library of himself.
Craig Venter (famed for his work on decoding the human genome) are collaborating on a study of naturally occurring organisms that live in oil, natural gas, coal and other underground hydrocarbon formations.
It is the company that was founded by gene guru Craig Venter that was going to beat the government at deciphering the genome and become the Bloomberg of biology by selling genetic data.
And when genomics pioneer Craig Venter and colleagues created the first synthetic cell in 2010, they wrote their names into its DNA code, the way an artist might sign a painting, along with three literary quotations and a website address.
But Dr Craig Venter, the president of Celera, said in a newspaper interview on Friday that his company had already sequenced the genomes of three different strains of mice, two of them to 90% completion, and was perplexed by the new public initiative.