These claims haven't been proven yet though, and shocking your own cranium isn't exactly FDA approved.
The role of a virile, axe-wielding, fur-bearing, cranium-smashing barbarian suited Schwarzenegger to a tee.
The sound conducts through the bones in your cranium to free up your ears.
Otherwise, the pressure in her cranium would have caused severe brain damage, likely killing her.
Cranium was a completely unknown board game company until it forged a massive distribution relationship with Starbucks.
We believe we can take information, force it through our cranium and come up with the right answer consistently.
Don't worry -- Nerosky is adding a brainwave controlled tail, dubbed Shippo, to its line of cranium controlled animal parts.
ENGADGET: Neurowear wants to read your mind, geotag your feelings (video)
How do you feel when you lose because your little brother made Yellow Toad accidentally hop on your polka-dotted cranium?
It had been gutted and carved and its back part cut away the back of what would be, in a human, the cranium.
Just in time for Halloween, Jarre's new Aeroskull dock embodies 70 watts of total power in a human-like cranium, complete with a pair of speaker-packing shades.
There is only a limited amount of space within the skull, or cranium, and if all the available space is taken up, the pressure can contribute to the damage.
Glover points out how distasteful slavery is through his sensitive words and actions, in case your ringing ears (or escapism-obsessed cranium) won't allow you to draw the conclusion on your own.
Cardo Systems -- which has been doing the whole intercom-laced motorcycle helmet for years now -- has just pushed out its latest concoction, and the Scala Rider G4 looks to be the most advanced version yet of the talking cranium protector.
ENGADGET: Scala Rider G4 Bluetooth headset enables four-way biker communication