The Manager craves order, and often ends up cleaning up after the other two.
The financial world craves the stability of low debt encumbered countries no matter how small.
If Prokhorov both craves and deflects attention, his magazine suffers from a different sort of tension.
Dosage is determined by how soon a smoker craves a cigarette upon waking in the morning.
It costs a considerable amount of money to produce the growth that Wall Street craves.
Still a child, all she craves is her mother, but even this is denied her.
The Moors murderer Ian Brady, another of Britain's most notorious serial killers, craves death.
Cobbler craves cranberries, is known for his strut, and enjoys the musical stylings of Carly Simon.
But France has also been urging the Americans to give Iran the international recognition it craves.
As I said, the audience craves whatever tidbit and unique perspective the knowledgeable person can deliver.
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Some say he craves it and is using it to propel himself to higher office.
What Paraguay really craves is more access for its clothing, beef and organic sugar.
The golfing public craves a new star to help lead them from the confusing, post-accident Tiger era.
Growth is something Wall Street not only craves but demands in large quantities.
He receives three 15-minute visits a day from carers, but he craves company.
In a sport that craves competitive balance, television still dictates that marquee matchups and compelling stories are a necessity.
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Indeed, bail-outs may be a roundabout means to get the stability Germany craves.
The 21-year-old was in agreement with his promoter, admitting he "still wasn't ready" for the world title shot he craves.
One delegate was Tim Young, whose farm-machinery business craves English speakers willing to travel to remote farmsteads to repair machinery.
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At the age of 49, Jo is still working to achieve the balance between work and home life that she craves.
North America seems to favor 50-inch sets or larger, while the rest of the world craves smaller and less expensive sets.
Have a clear time to go to bed and try to get up at the same time daily (the body craves order).
Part of me craves sleek design for both aesthetic and practical reasons.
Joan Centlivre, the 54-year-old president of the Chicago Farmers association, craves farmland.
This is a run-on sentence in more ways than one, and not quite grammatical, but it provides the sort of thrill every beach reader craves.
The game was barely two minutes old when a robust challenge from Amdy Faye on Tevez gave Ronaldo the type of chance he craves.
Polishing China's global image is a priority for a country that craves the international respect it feels it deserves as the world's second largest economy.
You expect Suzanne to ascend to great things, but the fame she craves turns out to be no less parochial than the town she despises.
Now an information technology manager at defense contractor Raytheon, Manuel nonetheless still craves the credential he was too busy to pick up along the way.
Boot camps and other group activities provide the camaraderie he craves.
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