It uses this information to create a database of backgrounds, events, objects and activities.
In 1999, DoubleClick tried to create a database of user profiles that would include personal information like names and addresses.
It found that the site did not have record company permission to create the database that makes this service possible.
The company wanted to create a database archive for its operational data systems as it was filling up its storage capacity.
FORBES: Information Governance Even More Important In The Era Of Big Data
Shamus Khan, a sociologist at Columbia University, is analyzing the orchestra's subscriber lists to create a database mapping New York's elites in the seats of the concert hall.
Earlier this week, the Federal Reserve introduced a new website intended to create a database where consumers can compare terms and rates for more than 300 credit card issuers.
FORBES: Fed's New Credit Card Web Site Will Have Limited Effectiveness
By 2008, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration's Web site, 38 states had passed legislation to create a database for physicians and pharmacists to prevent abusers from obtaining multiple prescriptions.
CNN: Pain relief can spiral into addiction to prescription drugs
Aside from a kind of viral marketing for their startup, it also helps them to create a database of malware and other unwanted programs that increases the effectiveness of Jumpshot with every scan.
FORBES: Startup Jumpshot Turns PC Security Into A Game, Awarding Karma Points For Malware Removal
Just as weather forecasters chart storms off Africa to predict which ones could become hurricanes, he hopes to create a database of animal viruses that have the potential to cross into the human population over the next few decades.
Nor is there a Bitcoin Inc. that could be compelled to create such a database.
We decided two years ago that we had to create our own database for the global and we did.
Silver said the measure in the tentative state budget will create a central database of handgun permit records now kept at the county level.
The system will allow the NYPD, and possibly the federal government, to create a computerized database on the movement and whereabouts of millions of law-abiding New Yorkers.
With that question, the NBA was off to create a digital database through which fans can access over 4.5 quadrillion combinations of stats from 500 different statistical categories.
FORBES: NBA Launches the Most Comprehensive Official NBA Statistical Site
The cross-party group is chaired by Conservative AM Nick Ramsay, who has backed a "right to know" campaign to create an online database about levels of asbestos in all Welsh schools.
In 2008, it partnered with Mayors Against Illegal Guns to create a video database of gun purchases at its stores and said it would trace any firearms bought from its stores that were later used in a crime.
FORBES: UPDATE: Wal-Mart Changes Its Mind And Will Indeed Attend White House Gun Summit
The Securities and Exchange Commission wants to create a central database of real-time trading activity, another in a string of proposals it has made in the last few weeks in response to concerns that the stock markets are broken.
Over time, this database will create a powerful incentive to keep shopping at the store where your style database resides.
To create and maintain a database on water and the environment by use of official, validated national data complementary to the EUROWATERNET, related to transboundary water bodies (rivers, lakes and coastal waters).
As your media relations tool, however, you can create a profile on the database and position yourself for more interview opportunities.
FORBES: How You Can Get Some Serious Press For Your New Business
Another feature called "Expert On-Demand, " sorts through a company's database of experts to create a video connection between a user--say, a confused customer in a bank's branch office--and the person best suited to answer his or her questions on any given topic.
The open-access database will streamline various experiments and create a broader dialogue between scientists.
He is hiring mathematicians and database administrators for a new division to create algorithms that will draw insight from data tracking consumer behavior.
Without the software, if a college or business wanted to subscribe to some kind of online database, they'd have to create hundreds or thousands of accounts, one for each individual user.
If politicians in Washington approve the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act, they'll not only be authorizing extraterritorial tax enforcement, they'll also be setting in motion the creation of a database that will erode privacy for consumers and create opportunities for identity theft.
The Cascalog system has combined the Cascading system for abstraction of advanced data processing on Hadoop and other systems, the Datalog declarative programming language that is well suited for expressing database queries in an abstract form, and the Clojure language to create a declarative language for queries that can be run on Apache Hadoop.
FORBES: Why Adopting the Declarative Programming Practices Will Improve Your Return from Technology