These freedoms, along with a stable currency, help to create economic growth and prosperity.
The left believes that the way to create economic growth and jobs is by (now seriously unpopular) government spending.
FORBES: Not Default, Growth: Wall Street, Main Street And Even Washington Gets It Now
Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office, admits the plan is "not exactly revenue-neutral, " but he believes it will create economic growth.
By transferring the buildings with funding it is hoped to aid development of the Tower Works and create economic growth and jobs, the council said.
As conversations across the nation shift from how to create economic growth to how to create more jobs, many are asking: what should be done?
FORBES: Why Small Businesses Should Be Adding More Green Jobs
But he will do them anyway, even as he continues to urge Republicans to act decisively to put people back to work and create economic growth.
In this case, the "seen" was a shopkeeper's broken window that would create economic growth for the shopkeeper hiring a glazier to replace the window, with the glazier spending the money earned elsewhere.
We left this story last month with the happy expectation that Fed Chairman Bernanke was going to be deflating the carry trade bond bubble, bring long term interest rates in line with inflation expectations, stimulate bank lending and thereby create economic growth.
So we've got to figure out how to create economic growth and ultimately create jobs in an economy that isn't dependent upon the examples that I used a minute ago -- easy credit that allows housing speculation for people that can get but shouldn't get loans to buy houses.
What's become apparent is that with the Fed armed and eager to "create" economic growth while fighting a non-existent deflation, Americans will once again experience the stagflation of the 1970s.
This establishment of a new economic partnership will create jobs and economic growth here in the U.S., as well as in Korea.
It is absolutely true that we can't depend on government alone to create jobs or economic growth.
But there are ready answers to the question of how to create jobs and economic growth in America.
When social entrepreneurs deliver power, water, and other goods to poor communities, they create foundations for economic growth, opening frontier markets to other forms of investment.
FORBES: There's More To Fighting Poverty Than Writing Big Checks And Claiming Tax Deductions
Russia's ascension into the WTO can open up trade and commerce between our two countries that can create jobs and economic growth for both Russians and Americans.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Bilateral Meeting with President Medvedev of Russia | The White House
History has shown that when you invest in America by building up our schools and building out our infrastructure you create jobs and economic growth that pay the nation back many times over.
Bernanke was emphatic in his advice to create growth and economic strength in tax and spending policies.
But the speech tomorrow -- rather next week will focus on the immediate need to create jobs and spur economic growth.
Now, this is just one part of what we're doing through the Recovery Act to create jobs and spur economic growth.
If the administration wants to create jobs and bolster economic growth they need to focus on supporting the private sector, not get in its way.
FORBES: With Summers Out, Obama Needs Somebody Like Dimon, Welch Or Bloomberg
If we create an environment for economic growth the assets of the nation will surge, thereby making the debt less burdensome, more bearable and more sustainable.
The mission of this Initiative shall be to facilitate business investment in the United States in order to create jobs, spur economic growth, and promote American competitiveness.
And if you want to create growth in economic value-added, you have to do things that increase increase those aggregate wages, or increase those aggregate profits, or both.
In the short-run, it may create the illusion of economic growth and temporarily add some service sector jobs, but once the QE ends, the growth and jobs will vanish.
Obama has unsuccessfully sought congressional approval throughout his presidency for a more aggressive national investment in road, rail, bridge and energy infrastructure construction to create jobs and spur economic growth.
President Obama Signs Tax Relief and Unemployment Insurance Bill into Law: President Obama took action this Friday to secure vital tax relief and investments for American workers that will create jobs and accelerate economic growth.
Again, I think the best thing that we can do is to help -- and I think the agreement does that -- to help create an environment for economic growth and economic progress and putting people back to work.
This agreement would also mean a 2 percent employee payroll tax cut for workers next year -- a tax cut that economists across the political spectrum agree is one of the most powerful things we can do to create jobs and boost economic growth.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Tax Cuts and Unemployment Extension
Last week, at the jobs summit, Chamber of Commerce CEO said, if you really want to create jobs, increase economic growth, you temporarily extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts -- temporarily -- versus the President is only calling for an extension of your middle-class tax cuts.
To go after those things that drive economic growth, create jobs would be foolhardy.